Tuesday, August 18, 2015

33 42 66 96 | Obama Appoints First Transgender White House Staff, Raffi Freedman-Gurspan

Well, now there is no doubt there is a transgender in the White House.

Raffi = 9+1+6+6+9 = 31 
Freedman = 6+9+5+5+4+4+1=5 = 39
Gurspan = 7+3+9+1+7+1+5 = 33/42 (NCTE = 14+3+20+5 = 42)
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan = 103/112

Raffi = 18+1+6+6+9 = 40
Freedman = 6+18+5+5+4+13+1+14 = 66
Gurspan = 7+21+18+19+16+1+14 = 96
Raffi Freedman Gurspan = 202

Notice the Gematria of '66,' connected to 'Woman' and '96', connected to Freemason.  These numbers are very specific to Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn Jenner.  Please see older posts below.


Also, notice the name of the director of the NCTE, Mara Keisling.

Mara = 4+1+9+1 = 15
Keisling = 2+5+9+1+3+9+5+7 = 41/50
Mara Keisling = 56/65

Mara = 13+1+18+1 = 33
Keisling = 11+5+9+19+12+9+14+7 = 86
Mara Keisling = 119
Star of David = 119...
Symbol = 86
Triangle = 86
Pyramid = 86
The Star of David is made up of two three sided triangles (33)


  1. The other transgender started in 2008 with Osama Obama Barry Barack. In the great words of Christian Bale in the movie The Illutionist..."ARE YOU WATCHING CLOSELY?"

    1. True Brian Scott.
      Michael/Michelle 0bama (or whatever it is) beat this whatever it is by 7 years.
      A 6' black dude has been first lady since 2008 and know one knows. Talk about mass mind control.
      Starting to think Barbara Bush was the 1st first dude.

    2. I don't buy the Osama Obama thing.

      I do think Michael Obama is a man

      I really wouldn't doubt Barbara bush. Always thought she looked weird as fuck. Never seen younger pics though so idk


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