Tuesday, August 18, 2015

39 93 106 | Flashback, Nepal Earthquake & New York +Kali Projection

Truth seeker, do you recall in April I covered the Nepal Earthquake and I made many connections to the city of New York through the Gematria and numerology coded within?  Think about that information in light of the recent projection of Kali, related to Shiva, on the Empire State building in New York.  In the Nepal Earthquake, the greatest loss was a temple dedicated to Shiva...

From the date of the earthquake, April 25, 2015, to the date of the projection, August 9, 2015, is a span of 106 days, the number of 'prophecy'.


  1. I feel truth in that nyc / nepal connection.

    ESB =26 Empire State Building = 209, 92. Manhattan =92, 29

    Empire =39 NY=39. New York =39

    Empire =66 Nepal Earthquake =606

    Nepal had a follow up earthquake on 05/12/2015 @ 12:50 (I kid you not) of almost the same magnitude. If we add 106 days to 5/12 = 8/26. Lets see which mythical god pops up on that day?

    The Quake in April was 7.8 - The Quake in May was 7.3 = 15.1 Mount Everest =51 - just like Conspiracy =51.

    Kathmandu =93. There's your mirror for all the NY 39's.

    I could keep going on this one with even more linking Gematria - there are more telling date calcs as well. But the point is more important......and the point is exactly what the writer first thought - the Nepal earthquakes do somehow tie to New York and its future.

  2. Wasn't a "survivor" pulled out from the rubble with a New York t-shirt on?


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