Monday, August 24, 2015

66 174 223 | Revelation 13:18 in Gematria +New World Order & Number of the Beast

Masonic = 223; The Synagogue of Satan = 223; Philadelphia = 223

This really weirds me out.  Notice that "here is wisdom" has Gematria of 66, same as the number of Books in the Bible, with Revelation being the 66th Book.

Also, notice the 223... the number for 'The Synagogue of Satan', the false jews who are said to rule in the end times, according to Revelation.

The number '666' is commonly referred to as the 'Mark of the Beast'.  If you sum the first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.  Notice that the phrase 'Mark of the Beast' has gematria of 144.

With the relationship of 144 and 666 in mind, checkout 'Easter Bunny' and 'Santa Claus'.


  1. It's good you've dug into the book of Revelation to find connections. Aside from the obvious like 42, 666, 7, I wouldn't have thought to gematrate (is that even a word?) the text itself.

    I started my own blog. Got some gematria of the Louisana Trooper shooting that parallels a machete attack in Boston MA with the number 55 on august 23, 15 a date with 55 gematria.

  2. I did a study on this a while back...The Number "11" stands out in Revelation 13 vs 18

    Revelation 13 vs 18 will reduce to the Number 11...(King James only,all modern translations are corrupt) The Number 11 is deeply associated with Barack Obama right down to his life path. Barack Obama and the Number "11".

    “Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six Revelation” 13:18

    Ordinal English of Revelation 13:18 = 1451 Reduced = 1+4+5+1 = 11

    Revelation 13:18 Add the Verse 1+3+1+8 = 13

  3. Here is a break down of Barack Obama's full Occultic Gematria and numerology using several Gematria charts. This needs to get out as his day is approaching.


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