Saturday, September 12, 2015

59 411 | House Resolution 411 Against Obama's Iran Deal

Notice this is 'House Resolution 411'.  JFK was once shot from 411 Elm. St.  We're also in the time of the 114th Congress, the number 411 in reverse.

Also, notice the discrepancy in votes, 245-186.  The difference is 59, the kill number in Jewish Gematria.   Recall, Obama is the 44th President and JFK was the 44th term President, 35th overall.  Also recall, Catholic has Gematria of 35, and JFK is the only Catholic President to date.

John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
F. = 6
Kennedy = 2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33
John F. Kennedy = 59


  1. I think Ali Khamenei knows Michelle is Michael and he's blackmailing Obama :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, someday I need to hire an editor, because admittedly, I am often smoking a lot of weed when doing this very tedious blog, it makes it a lot less painless. The downside is, I often forget the things I intend to write, such as the difference of '59' in this post, which I am so thankful you calculated and contributed. Thank you again.

    2. Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens to the best of us. Just so you know, this is Samuel from YouTube. I too forgot to mention the '59', when I originally sent the link to you. Without your tutelage, I would most likely have dismissed '59' as insignificant. Also, if you didn't post this on your blog, I would've probably never taken a second look at it. Thank you for all the wisdom you've imparted on me and others.

      P.S. I enjoy some flowers from time to time as well. Nothing wrong with that. Take care friend.

  3. Nothing wrong with the true tree of life..


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