Friday, July 13, 2018

22 33 88 123 147 156 | Supertramp's Breakfast in America album, March 29, 1979, 22-years before September 11, 2001 (The mocking)

This album released in '79, 22-years and change before September 11, 2001.

79, the 22nd-prime

It released on the 88th day of the year...

It was also a date with 111 numerology....

3/29/79 = 3+29+79 = 111 (New York = 111) (Sep. 11 leaves 111-days left in the year)

*If you put the U P in a mirror, they look like 9 11 above the towers.

Notice the 'orange' juice over the World Trade Centers...  and notice the picture is from the view of an airplane...

Orange = 33 (Reduction)
Waitress = 33 (Reduction)
False Flag = 33 (Reduction)

From 1968 to 2001 was 33-years.

In 1968... WTC construction began, 9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code, George W. Bush graduated from Yale's Skull and Bones, and Space Odyssey 2001 came out, and the New York Jets won the Super Bowl...

More planes...

The 9/11 attacks happened during "breakfast time"...

More planes...

Fat Americans...

Even more planes...

False Flag = 48
Freemason = 48 / 147
Conspiracy = 60 / 123 / 147
*Breakfast in America = 123

False Flag = 156
Space Oddysey = 156
Thirty-Three = 156
***911, the 156th prime number

New World Order = 75
Order Out of Chaos = 75
Order = 75


And thank you to the man who provided me these images and information!  You know who you are!

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