It's the big news... a plane crash... after a weekend of MH-370 headlines...
211, the 47th prime
They lost contact at 8:44, and the plane crashed in Addis Ababa.
They say 157 people died on the Boeing 737. 157, the 37th prime
In light of the plane being a 737, the location also fits in.
The airline was established 73-years ago.
Sacrifice = 73; Ritual Sacrifice = 73; 73, the 21st prime
83 in Ethiopia?
Murder = 83
It reminds that the MH370 plane disappeared on March 8, or 3/8, or 8/3...

ALSO, recall that 'March' and 'plane crash' go together, as does 'Ethiopia'.
The type of plane is a Max 8.
Today's date has 25 numerology as well.
10/3/2019 = 10+3+(2+0+1+9) = 25 (97, the 25th prime)
The two incidents are a span of 133-days apart.
*Government = 133
Notice October 29 leaves 302-days left in the year. This flight that has crashed in Indonesia is Number 302...
Today's date connects to Boeing as well.
10/3/2019 = 10+3+20+19 = 52
I emailed this to Chigozie a couple of weeks ago...
I'm not sure if I see red flags or a strong arm flexing muscle.
Tuesday it has nominated Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a close ally of President Donald Trump,
So this is what jumped out at me
Haley, 47, is the first female governor of South Carolina and a three-term legislator in the South Carolina House of Representatives.
I think there is something here. And I wonder what. Governor, UN, 47.
Then another article popped,
Boeing purchase could be part of broad U.S.-China deal, Muilennburg says
Mar. 7, 2019 2:18 PM•SA Editor Carl Surran
Purchases of Boeing (BA -0.6%) aircraft by China could be part of a sweeping deal currently being negotiated to end the U.S.-China trade war, CEO Dennis Muilenburg tells an aviation summit in Washington.
"I do think they are making progress. And at the same time, I think there's an economic opportunity here for airplanes to be part of the ultimate deal and help further close the trade deficit gap," Muilenburg says.
Boeing already sells roughly a third of its top-selling U.S.-made 737 jetliners to customers in China.
Then this happens.
Addis A(BABA) like "BABA" Kamma 113a of the Babylonian Talmud.
ReplyDelete"Ethiopian Airlines"=113(Reverse Single Red.)
"Talmud"=37(Reverse Full Red.) Like Flight MH(37)0
Also, Mainstram (Masonic) Media acknowleged on March 4th the 25th Anniversary of the death of Canadian Actor John Candy. Candy is known for his comedic role in the film "PLANES, Trains And Automobiles".
Which just happened to be the same day of the death of Actor Luke Perry @ age 52(52/25). Candy was 43 yrs old when he died.
"Planes, Trains and Automobiles"=403(43)(Reverse Ordinal)
"Freemason"=43(Full Red.) Like "Plane Crash"
"Airport"=43(Full Red.)
"Murdered"=43(Full Red.)
"Punic Wars"=43(Full Red.)
"Pi Ritual"=43(Full Red.)
"Mathematical"=43(Full Red.)
"Africa"=43(Reverse Full Red.)
"Numbers"=43(Reverse Full Red.)
"Masonic"=43(Reverse Full Red.)
43, 4/3 is the 93rd day of the year. The Sun is allegedly 93 million miles away and Queen Elizabeth II will be 93 on 4/21 this year. Easter SUNday will be on 4/21 this year too.
421, 4(2 + 1 =3)43
Today is also 3119 (3/10/19)