Sunday, March 3, 2019

47 | The Conversation, Enemy of the State, the National Security Act of 1947 & September 11, 2001 

Gene Hackman, who stars in The Conversation, plays a nearly identical character in the film Enemy of the State.  Notice the Gematria overlap between the film names.

These films allude to what has taken place since the time of the National Security Act.

71, the 20th prime 

In light of The Conversation being released April 7, or 4/7, like 47, it reminds that the National Security Act was created in the year 1947, by the 33rd President, Harry Truman.  That legislation was introduced on March 3, 1947, signed by Truman July 26, 1947, and enacted September 18 of the same year.  We'll get to why all of these dates matter.

Let us begin with the fact that Truman was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, and the legislation was introduced on March 3, the 62nd day of the year, while he was President.

As for the date July 26, it leaves 158-days left in the year.

Don't forget the overlap with Freemasonry and the Jesuits:

As for the date September 18, that is the date in history the cornerstone was laid for Washington D.C., the city named after the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, George Washington.

Read about September 18 and 47 here:

9/18/47 = 9+18+47 = 74

And by the way, September 18 is the 261st day of the year.

4/7/1974 = 4+7+19+74 = 104
7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

Now, as for the year '47 and the April 7 release of the conversation, remember that number is important to the degrees on the Masonic compass in their logo.

D.C. was laid out by L'Enfant, a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason from France.

Obama took office at age 47.
Clinton took office 211-days before his 47th birthday.  211, the 47th prime

Keep in mind that 9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code, February 16, the 47th day of the year, in 1968, a special year in regards to the fate of the World Trade Centers, on September 11, 2001, or 9/11.

The Conversation came out on Gene Hackman's 68th day of his age.

Now, keep in mind AT&T made 9-1-1 the national emergency dialing code.

AT&T has gematria of 41.

USA = 21+19+1 = 41; 41, the 13th prime

September 11, 2001 was a date with numerology of 41.

9/11/2001 = 9+11+20+01 = 41

And Enemy of the State released nationally on November 20, 1998, the day leaving 41-days left in the year, not long before September 11, 2001.

From November 20, 1998 to September 11, 2001 was a span of 1,027-days.  The key digits are 1, 2 and 7, like the buildings that fell that day, and reminding of the date of December 7, 1941, when Pearl Harbor occurred, another false flag, to get us in another war for the sake of agenda.  Of course, the National Security Act came out of World War II, and was said to be a series of measures to keep us from becoming involved in another World War.

Recall, the Project for the New American Century called for the "new Pearl Harbor".

For a bonus note, Gene Hackman plays Edward Lyle in Enemy of the State.

Last, the 33 piece.

137, the 33rd prime

In Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, he states Masonry owes all thanks to Kabbalah.

Government is mind control.

Kabbalah is in tribute to God.

The Masons in control of government are attempting to be like God, through technology, being all seeing and all knowing.


  1. Another interesting Truman piece, August 8, 1945 he signed the United Nations Charter. This August 8, 2019 is 74 years or 888 months later, so on 8/8 it's 888 months old. June 26, 1945 was the San Francisco Conference where 46 Nations gathered to sign the United Nations Charter, Truman signed on August 8/45. So this year is the 74 yr or 888 months anniversary to anything on the same date as 1945.


  2. --


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  3. Great post. I sometimes hear Freemasonry referred to as the "Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite" = 127 also.


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