Sunday, September 1, 2019

33 58 83 113 118 206 218 271 | 33-year-old Shane Billingham found dead at Burning Man, August 29, 2019

This man was 33-years-old.

33 is significant to Kundalini, where spiritual ascension happens through the 33 bones of the human vertebrae.

His name connects to Burning Man and Kundalini, through the number 58.

This news broke August 31, 2019, a date with 58 numerology.

8/31/19 = 8+31+19 = 58

Mr. Billingham was found at 18:30 local.

His name, Mr. Billingham, connects to death and sacrifice through 118 and 206.

The name Shane also connects to death, through 20 and 25.

The location of Burning Man, the Black Rock Desert, connects to death and murder through 83 and 218.

For one last point, the dead body was found on a date with a life lesson number of 49.

8/29/2019 = 8+29+(2+0+1+9) = 49


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