Saturday, May 2, 2015

44 | King James to Bring First Cleveland Championship After 44-Years

The Cleveland Cavaliers joined the NBA in 1970, 44-years ago, along with the Portland Trailblazers and the Buffalo Braves, who are now the Los Angeles Clippers.  In that year, the NBA came to a total of 17-teams.  This is noteworthy because the Gematria of NBA is '17', (14+2+1).

In the 44-years of the team's existence, they have never won a championship.  That might all change with the return of King James.
  • King = 2+9+5+7 = 23
  • James = 1+1+4+5+10 = 21
  • King James = 44
  • 44-Year Anniversary of Cleveland Cavaliers
    • LeBron James = 114 (Simple English)
    • Cleveland Cavaliers = 114 (Pythagorean)
      • 114th Congress
        • Leader of Congress is John Boehner of Ohio
        • John Boehner = 114
        • Ohio is the 17th State
        • Ohio = 47
        • The First NBA Championship was in '47
I mention the part about the 114th Congress, because I have been routinely making the point about how sports synchs up with current events.  In this case, there is much focus on Ohio right now as well as the number '114'.

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