Sunday, May 3, 2015

6 49 66 116 | The Establishment of the Chicago Bulls (Warrior Connections?)

Notice the date of establishment, January 16, or 1/16.  This forms the number 911 when flipped upside down.  Also notice the year '66.  Further, notice they have won '6 Championships', all with Jordan.
  • Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+6 = 37
  • Bulls = 2+3+3+3+1 = 12
  • Chicago Bulls = 49
A fellow truth seeker thinks the NBA Finals will be Bulls vs Warriors.  This is interesting as the city of San Francisco and the Bay Area has many connections to the numbers '49' and '66' which also seem to correspond nicely with the Bulls.  The Bay Area connections range from the local 49ers to the establishment of the Church of Satan in '66.

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