Tuesday, November 17, 2015

60 | D.C. PUT ON NOTICE (Laughable CNN Headlines)

Conspiracy = 51/60/123
Eagles of Death Metal = 159...
Will the Eagles of Death Metal be playing in D.C. anytime soon?
I feel like I'm a cartoon character living in a cartoon world with all of these absurdities.

Are Jews this much smarter than Gentiles?  Is it this easy to dupe the Goyim?  While I'm not a Jew, I likely do have a quarter of their genetics.  Perhaps it is the Jew in me that has always allowed me to see through things, as others have not been able to.  With how easily the Jews manipulate the people of the world with gimmicks, it does seem they are a cut above.  Is that wrong to say?  I don't think it is, I'm just calling spades spades.

Speak up Jews and non-Jews, I want to know why the average motherfucker is so brain dead retarded.  How the hell can anyone be duped by this?  After 9/11, it was the footage of the men on monkey bars with the words "al-Qaeda" on the screen.  Then from the footage of men on monkey bars it would cut to five other men in a row, with one knee on the ground, shooting aimlessly into the desert.  Then more captions, AL-QAEDA... pathetic.

When I was a kid I thought everyone was retarded, teachers, students, everyone.  I was right.  I fucking knew it.  Shit.


  1. 159 like the terrorist on the run born on 15/9 and the attacks happened 59 days after his birthday on a date with 59 numerology. November Thirteenth Twenty-Fifteen =159. Project Monarch =159, Brainwashed =59, MK Slave =59 (Mind Controlled Assassins?) The suspected mastermind is Abdelhamid Abaaoud =59. The Mastermind =59. Mass Murder =59.

    Fifty-Nine =54 (Freemasonic / Make Believe / Terrorism) - and 4 terrorists have 54 Gematria.

    Fifty-Niner =63 - do we need to reiterate all the 63s

  2. To go along with the Eagles of Death Metal and their album Heart On, with the song Secret Plans, which essentially just repeats the line "Secret Plans, Midnight Missions" (with the attacks lasting past midnight). Of course the "attacks" lasted 222 minutes, the song is 2:22, and if you calculate the time from the album's release on 10/28/08 to 11/13/15, you get 2572 days, which is 222,220,000 seconds. Additionally, the album released in Canada on 11/4, essentially the same as 11/13.

  3. The victims are showing up some bad numbers:
    "Gilles Leclerc" in the English Reduction system equals 59
    "Djamila Houd" in the English Reduction system equals 44
    "Ludovic Boumbas" in the English Reduction system equals 51
    "Ludovic Boumbas" in the English Ordinal system equals 159
    "Cedric Mauduit" in the English Reduction system equals 59
    "Pierre Innocenti" in the English Reduction system equals 93
    "Raphael Hilz" in the English Ordinal system equals 116
    Still going through them at the moment, but these numbers keep popping up.


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