Tuesday, November 17, 2015

71 98 137 170 | Team America World Police, "Everyone Has Aids", Charlie Sheen, and World War Three

Notice the runtime of this film, 98 minutes.  Recall that the word 'prophet' has a Gematria of 98.  In recent days we have also seen the headline, 'France Is At War', which has Gematria of 138, like the phrase 'American Dream'.  France declaring war before the U.S.A. really does seem like a dream...

Recall the connection between 44 and 98, the Gematria of Lupercalia, the festival on the 44th day of the year.  44 connects to the tile of this film as well, through 'Team America'.

Team America was established 7/4/1776...

7+4+17+76 = 104 (10-4, over and out)

Notice also the Gematria of 89, the reflection of 98.  The full time of the movie has Gematria of 221, the reflection of 122, a number we see often around tragedy, which this comedy-satire is full of.

Anyhow, there's a lot to be said, but what I want to focus on is the recent announcement of Charlie Sheen saying he has HIV, which is closely related to AIDS.  It reminds me of the portion of the film where the song is sung 'EVERYONE HAS AIDS'.  Notice how the Gematria of the phrase ties in with World War Three...

A bit concerning, but also possibly, coincidental, if you believe in such things.  Let us not forget that Team America World Police begins with a terrorist attack in Paris...


Let us close by examining director Trey Parker a tiny bit closer.

10/19/1969 = 10+19+19+69 = 117
10/19/1969 = 10+19+(1+9+6+9) = 54
10/19/1969 = 1+0+1+9+1+9+6+9 = 36
10/19/69 = 10+19+69 = 98 (Prophet = 98) (98 minute film)

Randolph = 9+1+5+4+6+3+7+8 = 43
Severn = 1+5+4+5+9+5 = 29/38
Parker = 7+1+9+2+5+9 = 33
Randolph Severn Parker = 105/114

Notice he is born in October, the only '33' month.

October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33


  1. Everyone Has Aids =1020. WW Three =102.

    Those two phrases really do go together.

    Written by - Trey Parker =137, the 33rd prime #.

    Bringing it back to the 17,71 theme.... Ten Four Over And Out =1711.

    Ten Four Over And Out =1404.

    Team America World Police =221. Declaration Of Independence =221.

  2. Method man, who has an album with Redman called "blackout" was performing in France on September 12, which is 62 days prior to 11/13, or 63 days counting the end date. Just thought I would throw that out there.

    1. That's a beauty find right there! I tied that album into a World Series blackout post from last month: https://extracapsa.wordpress.com/2015/10/08/blackout-the-prophecy-deepens/

      It was 333 weeks between Blackout 2 and 10/6/15, (47 days before 11/13) and speaking about 106=Prophecy, Britney Spears (who also had a Blackout album) played Paris for the last time on 10/6/11. Between Blackout 2 release (5/19/09) and 11/13/15 is 2370 days, like Bloodbath =237.

      Also Britney's tour was called the Femme Fatale Tour =62.

    2. I noticed you posted The Gang of Thirty-Three = 1119 and we should keep our eyes on 11/19/2015. In 1119 The Poor Fellow-soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon known by the more popular name of the Knights Templar, were formed in Jerusalem, shortly after the First Crusade ended with the capture of that city. Sources from those times gave this initial date as 1118 or 1119 or 1120 due to use of different calendars and records, with the middle date now being generally accepted.

    3. Good point joe......that 1119 = The Gang Of Thirty Three - speaks volumes. That Extra-Capsa is never at a loss for words....that equal numbers ;)

      The Gang Of Thirty Three =239. Thursday November Nineteen =2039.

      Eleven Nineteen Fifteen =1190. Eleven Nineteen =1019.

      One more tidbit.....Netanyahu visited the WH on 11/9.

      Netanyahu =109. B Netanyahu =111.

      11/19 is Ten Days Later =144.

    4. It's also 144 hours between 11/13 and 11/19. Check my new report on the 8/11 Theory, a timespan we got from Back to the Future, linking two parallel car crashes killing two people both with 244 Gematria, 144 days apart. And the 744 between Trinity Tests and 11/19/15.

      So friggin coded for 11:19 and that 1119 AD date is huge considering the recent tributes inParis.

    5. Maestro 2x and all of you guys are really doing a great job of connecting the dots. This is something I just stumbled on. You know how 9/11/2001 can equal 14. The date 1/4/2016 is the same way. This is where it gets little weird. January 4th is 6/23 and the 163rd day on the 13 Moon Calendar. Barack Hussein Obama = '623' / 978 / '163'. =)

    6. 2015 is 896 years later. EIGHT HUNDRED NINETYSIX YEARS =330. Eight Hundred Ninety-Six Years Later =161 (Cosmic Significance / Secrets Revealed / Terrorists / The Final Warning / Expiration Date / Planet Saturn / Masonic Grand Lodge). SOS =1+6+1.

      One hundred sixty one =239.

    7. 163 is the ultimate Obama assassination number: Hey Terrorist, Terrorize This / Barack Obama Head Wound / Obama Gets Headshot / Obama Risen from Dead / Obama's Wound Heals / Manchurian Candidate /

    8. Does "The Gang of Thirty Three" come from I have nicknamed these guys in my own work? I find it absolutely hilarious how the Gematria aligns.

    9. And of course 237+732 = 969. Saturn bullshit. Fuck you Kubrick, used to be my favorite.

  3. I do believe Zach did coin the phrase.....And its probably the most fitting. Zach coined Truthseeker(s) as well. I know there's more??

    Hey Joe - Obama =14, but I guess thats the easy answer, ha.

    Hey Joe =408. Barack Obama =408.

    1. That 408 connection is pretty funny. You might like this. From the date of the Black Mass in Oklahoma 9/21/2014 to 1/4/2016 is 470 days!

    2. http://www.espncricinfo.com/australia/content/story/806037.html

    3. No, truth seekers is an old term, I just took it from the list of forgotten words! I can't claim that one as much as I would like to. I do see a lot of my followers using it on Facebook which is awesome!


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