Sunday, November 2, 2014

33 311 | The Truth Shall Set You Free and John 8:32

  • John 8:32 = 1+6+8+5+8+3+2 = 33
Earlier this year I reveled that John 8:32, in Gematria, reduced to "33".  That passage is about the truth setting you free.  Well today, I noticed that the phrase "The truth shall set you free" sums to "311" in Simple English Gematria.
  • The = 20+8+5 = 33
  • Truth = 20+18+21+20+8 = 87
  • Shall = 19+8+1+12+12 = 52
  • Set = 19+5+20 = 44
  • You = 25+15+21 = 61
  • Free = 6+18+5+5 = 34
  • The truth shall set you free = 33+87+52+44+61+34 = 311
Please keep in mind we have "33-vertebrae in our backs".


  1. Hi Zachary,

    I want to share my thoughts on the bible if you don't mind.

    The versions of the bible that are translated "the truth shall set you free" in my opinion are often the most corrupted English paraphrases or in some cases translations.

    But in this case, I do not think that "the truth shall set you free" is an incorrect translation of the Greek. If you study the bible which it sounds like you have to some degree you must ask what version of Greek is the most reliable. My personal study indicates that would be the Textus Receptus. I can go in detail, but I feel that nobody reads the details, or do I have time at this moment, but if requested I will make my case for the Textus Receptus.

    The KJV translates the Textus Receptus

    και γνωσεσθε την αληθειαν και η αληθεια ελευθερωσει υμας


    "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"

    To me there isn't much difference between "set" and "make". But the fact that the NIV uses "set" makes me suspicious.


    Just grab an NIV and lookup Mark 16. Notice that that they will have some commentary in them like this:

    [The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.]

    I think the reason why is because within that text Jesus said you would know believers in many ways. One of them being that believers will lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover.

    I believe there is a war against the truth and part of that war is attempting to hide true things that Jesus said. Most people attending christian churches today do not believe that a believer in Jesus can lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover.

    If you want to know the truth you must know Jesus. I have prayed for and seen dozens of people healed on the spot by laying my hand on someone and simply saying something like, "In the name of Jesus, all pain go."

    You can explain my thoughts here in one of three ways:

    1. Crazy man - Most church attenders I speak to about healing probably think I'm crazy.

    2. Liar

    3. A man that believes in Jesus Christ and a man that stands on the truth received in the bible to have the boldness to walk up to complete strangers and pray for people with the faith that what Jesus said is true and therefore people get healed.

    Those are the only three options I see on could conclude.

    All that to say that I believe there is a conspiracy against the bible as it was originally delivered and the versions of the bible that leave out stuff I KNOW is true are perverted versions I wouldn't even use as toilet paper (like the NIV).

    Anyone near North Alabama that would like to see what I'm talking about is welcome. There is a guy in Seattle named Tom Loud. He also prays for people in Jesus name and does a street ministry. By the way, any believer can pray for people and see healing. The problem is most "believers" don't believe in healing in part because they believe preachers that tell them that the NIV is the version to read which casts doubt on healing as described in Mark 16:17-18.

    Sorry for the rant, but I needed to let off some steam here.



  2. That is interesting Michael. I identify very much. I was not previously aware of Tom Loud, I will investigate. I think many of our hidden powers have been purposefully hidden from us. Our humanism has stolen and the Bible has most definitely been corrupted in this regard for the masses.


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