Friday, February 6, 2015

33 55 | The MK Ultra 'Kayla Mueller' Psy-Op

Take the time to examine above.

Notice the name 'Kayla Mueller', with the KM initials, the reverse of MK, as in MK Ultra.
  • Kayla = 11+1+25+12+1 = 50
  • Mueller = 13+21+5+12+12+5+18 = 86
  • Kayla Mueller = 136
  • Kayla = 2/11+1+7+3+1 = 14/23
  • Mueller = 4+3+5+3+3+5+9 = 32
  • Kayla Mueller = 46/55
Recall, MK Ultra was, and likely still is, a 'Federal Government Program', aimed at mind control.
  • Kontrol = 2+6+5+2+9+6+3 = 33
  • MK Ultra = 4+11+3+3+2+9+1 = 33
  • Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33

1 comment:

  1. Crisis Actors. Fabricated Event. Strategy of Tension. Bergdahl is the same. All actors identified and the connections speak.


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