Tuesday, February 24, 2015

82 | Bill O'Reilly's Coded Headlines and '82 in Argentina

This entire Billy O'Reilly recent headlines might be yet another tribute to '82'.
  • I = 9
  • want = 5+1+5+2 = 13
  • to = 2+6 = 8
  • stop = 1+2+6+7 = 16
  • this = 2+8+9+1 = 20
  • now = 5+6+5 = 16
  • I want to stop this now = 82


  1. Bill O'Reilly lied in some fashion about a Peabody Award I believe....he gave himself credit for a higher award then he really won....by mistake...LOL

  2. Funny how all this about 0'Reilly laid dormant for over 10 years before Zach did a post on it. Then, 2 days later, it's a national story again. Coincidence? No.


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