Monday, July 6, 2015

98 239 | Pu-239 (Movie) Running 98 Minutes...

We are in the 239th year of our nation's existence, 1776-2015.
There is much foreshadowed for September 23, or 23/9 (also 9/23)
And everything seems to be connected to Lupercalia, which has a Gematria of 98, like the runtime of this movie.
  • Lupercalia = 12+21+16+5+18+3+1+12+9+1 = 98
What are the odds?  Better yet, what's going boom this year?


  1. Movie is about nuclear exposure. Yikes.

  2. One has to be a hard core Coincidence Theorist to brush all of this under the rug.

  3. Just thinking out loud here, but a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge is on the jersey of the Champion Golden State Warriors. Definite tribute/foreshadowing as I look at it today.

    The Warriors won the Title on June 16th. From 6/16 to 9/23 is 99 days. It is also 3months 7days.

    Pu = 37

    9/23 + 37 days = Halloween.

    1. Excellent observation Maestro 2x. The logo change a few years back to the GGB is just too "right on time".

      99 is an underrated number in numerology. It's the largest two digit multiple of 11. It is 9x11. Recall the "cop chokes and kills black man" hoax in NY? The cop wore a #99 jersey.

  4. Golden State = 122

    San Francisco = 122

    Golden Gate Bride is on coordinate 122

    1. Yes, Seattle and San Francisco are both on the 122nd Meridian.

  5. If you get a chance, check into Dan's last video. He is finding a number of interesting connections like 9/11 (Julian calendar) = 9/24 (Gregorian calendar) or the 52nd prime is 239...23/9...9/23.

    1. That is grand. I said to watch out for 52 and 144.
      Pope visits on Yom Kippur, 9/23
      Pope = 52
      Yom Kippur = 144
      239 is the 52nd Prime...
      266th Pope
      266th Day

    2. September twenty three = 266

      I keep pushing that.....doesn't it fit perfectly?!?


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