Wednesday, July 1, 2015

CNN | This Fourth of July and a Secret of the Declaration of Independence?

Does this seem like reporting from a news agency, or serial killer?


  1. "The dark smudge" stood out to me the most... I'm pretty sure I used S exception within the rules here, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Smudge: 10/19+4+3+4+7+5=33/42

    Dark smudge: 4+1+9+11+1/19+4+3+4+7+5=49/67

    The dark smudge: 2+8+5+4+1+9+2/11+1+4+3+4+7+5=55/64 (82 w/ S 19)

  2. Sounds like a social path/psychopath/scumbag the news agency

  3. Sorry maddog, but still a good eye for the phrase
    S=19 is not reduced
    The S exception is used with pythagorean, and you reduce the S once like all the other letters (1+9=10). Oftentimes they use it for a capital S
    You don't reduce it to its lowest form (1+9=10...1+0=1)

    Smudge = 1/10+4+3+4+7+5 = 24/33
    Dark = 4+1+9+2/11 = 16/25
    Dark Smudge = 40/49/49/58
    The Dark Smudge = 55/64/73


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