Thursday, July 2, 2015

Moon Watching Observations

Tonight I watched the moon move through the night sky, and it was quite the experience.  It started low and was magnificently huge in size, appearing near double its normal girth, but as it rose, it became smaller and smaller until it returned to what I might refer to as "normal".  What I am left wondering is how this phenomena occurs.  How can the moon's size appear so differently depending on where it is in the sky?

Anyone know?


  1. What I have been told is that it is due to the atmosphere near the earth being thicker/denser, which causes the light to be magnified (even though it is actually further away), much like a fog light in a thick fog. This is why the sun often appears larger at sunset/sunrise as well.

  2. It is supposed to be the magnification of the atmosphere and also a function off the lens of the eye..which is why is it hard to take a photo that matches the size that you see. I have thought that both of these explanations aren't good enough..

    With the sun..I have done shadow experiments that show that the distance between the sun and object is changing up 1/3 its total distance away. Again we have the same claim of the atmosphere distorting the light...but a MOON SHADOW experiment...of parallel vertical objects would tell you the changing distance of the moon to the objects.

    Take a flashlight and hold it close and far away from two double A batteries on a dark table and watch the shadows diverge as the light comes closer to the batteries. This is what happens with the sun from 2 to 6pm ..I haven't measured this with the moon . Crow777 on his channel does a thought experiment with google earth that shows that the official moon distance is of by a magnitude of 20 (20 times closer than they are reporting)...I have don't this myself measuring various craters and their counter part size equivalents on Google earth to make sure it wasn't a giltch in one spot on Google earth. The moon is not as far away as they are reporting...

    In the Truman show during I think the scene where his best friend is lying eloquently that he wouldn't lie to him....the Moon and the Sunset are ridiculously aligned with wrong shadows. To wake people up to the fake moon. OUR moon has wrong shadows especially during the first quarter. I have heard that the moon...isn't a false light..but a different quality of light, like that Moon shadows are warmer than areas that are moon light. I haven't checked it myself..Or that fire burns better in a moon shadow..than in the moon light. Maybe we need to study the song by Cat Stevens?

  3. Thank you for the replies, much appreciated. I wish I had it recorded last night, it was the largest change I've ever witnessed within one evening. It is nice to have some mysteries out there.

  4. Very interesting observations Zach. The whole concept of Earth having both the largest moon (size of moon: size of planet) and a moon that does not spin/rotate, is extremely & statisticaly unusual.

    All that + the sun and moon are the same exact "size" to us visually (supposedly 400:1 literally in size) makes where we live hyper unique, even by available stretch theories.

    Almost seems like there is a hidden hand behind all this, perhaps a keeper or with-holder knowledge.

    I know, I know, that's just crazy talk. Sometimes I just can't get accepted science to square up with what my compass says. Shucks, those guys at NASA would never lie to us.


    Enter the Stars on youtube has done some extensive work on the subject. He proposes that the earth is modeled after the human eye, with the surface being the inner lens. The sky is a dome, like the back of the eye. The moon, sun, and stars are outside of the dome reflecting inwards. The truth may be hidden in plain "sight"... check it out in the playlist link

    1. I don't think the enterthestars guy is a shill. I just think he's creative and not very bright.
      Most of his stuff is sensational and poorly researched.

  6. Damn its so crazy to me how many huge things about earth/physics/nature/nature of the universe have been hidden from so many people.

    All i know is I gotta watch the truman show, never seen it.

    Is enter the starz trustworthy? For some reason i thought he was disinfo/gatekeeper/misinfo

    1. He has some good information but often times I think he is mislead/disinfo

  7. Mainly cause he talks about jesus or christian god in like every video i ever watched

    1. He also talks about himself a lot and how him being born on the 88th day is the reason he has all the insights he has.


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