Friday, July 3, 2015

The History of July 4th & the Deaths of the Second, Third and Fifth Presidents

Notice that Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died 60-years to the date of the nation's first credited birthday.
  • Conspiracy = 51/60/123
Making matters more interesting, James Monroe would also die on the Fourth of July, exactly 1826 days after the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who both also died on July Fourth.
  • Thomas Jefferson and John Adam died on July 4, 1826
  • James Monroe died on July 4, 1831


  1. Monroe's VP died 99 days out of office on 6/11/1825, 10 days before his 51st birthday. This was 388 days or 1 year and 23 days before Jefferson and Adams. All of these men were murdered over the Monroe Doctrine. To find out who was behind their deaths all one needs to do is read the first line of the Peace Treaty of Paris 1783. In the first line King George the 3rd refers to himself as a Prince Elector of the 'HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE'. The official 'hit' on these men and all popular forms of self government was put in writing and signed in the Treaty of Verona November 22, 1822. This is the same organization that killed Kennedy 141 years later on November 22, 1963.

    1. Here are just some connections with the Holy Roman Empire and Lincoln's assassination. One of the conspirators named John Surratt, actually became a Vatican guard before being brought back for trial.


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