Wednesday, August 12, 2015

33 44 93 | Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago's Death, April 17, 2015

Francis = 6+9+1+5+3+9+1 = 34/43
Eugene = 5+3+7+5+5+5 = 30
George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39
Francis Eugene George = 103/112

1/16/1937 = 1+1+6+1+9+3+7 = 28
1/16/1937 = 1+16+19+37 = 73 
1/16/1937 = 1+16+(1+9+3+7) = 37
1/16/37 = 1+16+37 = 54 (Archbishop = 54)

4/17/2015 = 4+1+7+2+0+1+5 = 20
4/17/2015 = 4+17+20+15 = 56
4/17/2015 = 4+17+(2+0+1+5) = 29
4/17/15 = 4+17+15 = 36 (1-36, summed, totals 666)

He was Bishop in Washington, and Archbishop in Oregon, the 42nd and 33rd states respectively, before transferring to Chicago.

Bishop = 2+9+1+8+6+7 = 33/42
Arch = 1+9+3+8 = 21
Archbishop = 54/63 (Resignation date, 9/20/2014 = 9+20+20+14 = 63)
Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Francis George...

A man named Francis Pope owned the land that became Washington D.C.

Washington = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 130
D.C. = 4+3 = 7
Washington D.C. = 137 (137 is the 33rd Prime)
Catholic Church, CC, 33
Sent Christopher Columbus, CC, 33
Now 'Federal' Tyranny...
Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33

Notice his term ended November 18, 2014, the 322nd day of the year...
First Bible published on March 22, or 3/22, or 22/3 (The Synagogue of Satan)

That word 'Ratzinger' has something to do with death.  Death = 118 in Jewish Gematria.
Notice the 'crucifix' in the background and notice below that he was on home care since April 3, the 93rd day of the year.
  • Crucifix = 3+18+21+3+9+6+9+24 = 93
  • April 3, 93rd Day of the Year

Him dying at age '78', reminds of the 33-day pope who died on a date with '44 numerology', connecting to cancer, in the year '78.  That was John Paul I, who was replaced by John Paul II in '78, and who Francis George became a close associate of.  As I've been saying, the Catholic Church appears to be the real mafia.  Christian = 47 (PG); Mafia = 47 (JG)... Catholic Church.... CC?
  • John Paul I died on his 33rd day as Pope, September 28, 1978
  • 9/28/1978 = 9+2+8+1+9+7+8 = 44
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • Cancer = 3+1+14+3+5+18 = 44
  • Chemo = 3+8+5+13+15 = 44
At the very least, now you know why chemo is called chemo. :)

John Paul II became Pope on October 16, 1978.
  • 10/16/1978 = 1+1+6+1+9+7+8 = 33

1 comment:

  1. He died at 10:45 am. Ten Forty Five AM = 179 = Son Of Perdition.


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