Wednesday, September 9, 2015

33 113 121 | Queen Becomes Longest Reigning Monarch On a Train... (Scottish Borders Railway)

Scottish = 1+3+6+2+2+9+1+8 = 32/41
Borders = 2+6+9+4+5+9+1 = 36/45
Railway = 9+1+9+3+5+1+7 = 35
Scottish Borders Railway = 103/112/121
121 was a central number in the Philadelphia Train Crash
Philadelphia comes from Revelation
Revelation = 121 (Simple English Gematria)

Scottish = 19+3+15+20+20+9+19+8 = 113
Borders = 2+15+18+4+5+18+19 = 81
Railway = 18+1+9+12+23+1+25 = 89
Scottish Borders Railway = 283

Notice the Queen takes this record on 9/9/2015.

9/9/15 = 9+9+15 = 33
9/9/2015 = 9+9+20+15 = 53
9/9/2015 = 9+9+2+0+1+5 = 26

Her birth name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, which has something in common with 9/9.

Elizabeth = 5+3+9+8+1+2+5+2+8 = 43
Alexandra = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+9+1 = 35
Mary = 4+1+9+7 = 21
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99

63 years, sort of like 6-6-6, and 216 days, what you get when you multiply 6x6x6 = 216.

Queen = 8+3+5+5+5 = 26
Elizabeth = 5+3+9+8+1+2+5+2+8 = 43
Victoria = 4+9+3+2+6+9+9+1 = 43
Queen Elizabeth = 79
Queen Victoria = 79

Starting at 11:30, or 113, 50 minutes of ringing?  Perhaps for the Jubilee?


  1. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99
    That's a lot like 9/9

  2. I noticed QEII signs everything "Elizabeth R," which is supposed to be for "Elizabeth Regina" (regina is queen in Latin).
    "Elizabeth R" = 106(EO),52(EO) prophecy
    "Elizabeth Regina" = 105(Eng Gem) Masonry/Zionism, 72(J) school world 27/72, 142(EO) like 42 Freemason history knowledge, 79(EO) reduced like champion


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