Friday, December 4, 2015

14 33 44 174 | The Gematria of the 14 Deceased, San Bernardino, California

From the article, the first two names listed, are both '33' names.  Call it a coincidence.

Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Isaac = 9+19+1+1+3 = 33

Robert's full name is Robert Adams.

Robert Adams = 9+6+2+5+9+2+1+4+1+4+1 = 44
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

Again, call it a coincidence.

The other name Gematrias are also very interesting.

This might be my personal bias, but the prettiest of the women shown, Yvette, has 174 name Gematria.  174, is the number of 'New World Order'.


  1. Once you buff the dirt off it the Old World...I mean, NWO will be pretty indeed.

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  3. OT but just thinking of the band Killing Joke and two connections to Dave Grohl:
    DG played on their 2003 eponymous reunion album.
    KJ have released their recent records on a label called Spinefarm:
    "Spinefarm " in the English Sumerian system equals 606
    Foo Fighters were formerly known as 606

  4. Rabbi in Argentina made a video praising Pope Francis for his greenie views. The Rabbi is standing in front of a bookshelf with the mason symbol!
    El cuadro masónico del amigo de Bergoglio al llamarlo rabino
    It was caught by this blog...
    Friday, December 4, 2015
    the Talmud, Freemasonry, & Environmentalism
    Is Rabbi Sergio Bergman a freemason?
    Thanks to Vox Cantoris for bringing this to our attention in the post Pope Francis' Rabbi amigo in Argentina praises his encyclical on the environment; what's wrong with this picture?

    Francis' good buddy, Rabbi Sergio Bergman whom was congratulated the other day, by none other than Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, for his appointment as the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development for Argentina. According to Haaretz, "Sergio Bergman, who will start his new position on December 10, is believed to be the only rabbi serving as a government minister outside of Israel." Guess who this Talmudic rabbi credits with being his spiritual mentor?
    “From my reflections as a disciple, I am about to give testimony of the gospel from who is my spiritual master, a Jesuit leader and is now head of the Vatican state; and who will be a new paradigm for the whole world.”

  5. If you add all 6 of the first names up in Pythagorean.

    tim" in the English Reduction system equals 15 (2+9+4)

    robert" in the English Reduction system equals 33 (9+6+2+5+9+2)

    sierra" in the English Reduction system equals 34 (1+9+5+9+9+1)

    daniel" in the English Reduction system equals 27 (4+1+5+9+5+3)

    yvette" in the English Reduction system equals 25 (7+4+5+2+2+5)

    mike" in the English Reduction system equals 20 (4+9+2+5)

    15+33+34+27+25+20= 154

    one hundred fifty four" in the English Reduction system equals 108 (6+5+5+0+8+3+5+4+9+5+4+0+6+9+6+2+7+0+6+6+3+9)

    Drop the zero from 108 you have 18 which I have read in many places is a Zionist favorite lucky # . Gifts come in the form of the #18 in Jewish tradition.

    18 x 6 <---- (people shown in CNN picture.) = 108

    I think our next major planned event will be December 18th.

  6. Want to get a good laugh at this fakery?
    The landlord invited media to go inside the home and touch everything lol they were taking pictures and moving stuff around in the killer's home. Destruction of evidence. Weren't the cops soppoused to be there? Haha this is getting out of control. How could anyone do this

  7. I just watched that joke on fb. I liked my friends comment on the news page about it being fake, and we were both blocked from the page. Do you have a link to the video?

    1. here is the story; apparently the landlord regrets what he did:

      and the video:

    2. Hi Tara, hope you're doing well. Good to hear from you.

    3. Thank you Jam and Zach. At the time my youtube search was yielding no result for the video (at least nothing with audio). Zach, I'm doing great, hope all is well with you!


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