Saturday, January 9, 2016

121 | Did you ever see my Chembows for Pope Francis video?

This video has been frozen on 121 likes since the last time I looked, months ago.  If you watch the video, you'll notice why it's there.  I wonder how many people really watch these videos.


  1. Revelation = 121 = 11 x 11; Eleven by Eleven = 153

    1. If you sum 1-11, it totals 66. Revelation is the 66th Book of most Bible's as well. These are things I pointed out in my earliest research. This is where my foundation of understanding came from.

    2. One hundred Fifty-Three = 113 = Dishonesty

      One hundred and Fifty-Three = 123 = Conspiracy

      A Hundred and Fifty-Three = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6

    3. For me it was the Vedas, that sparked my curiosity with numbers. Then I found your blog and my whole perspective changed.

    4. Thank goodness you found it, and great work again.

  2. On an unrelated note; just ignore the petulant child. It make take awhile, but this character will go away eventually; when people stop feeding it the attention it desires. Engaging this individual will only validate their pursuits. Trust me, no one takes the fool seriously; No one in here or in real life.

    ~Peace F2FT Fam~


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