Sunday, January 17, 2016, now live!

It will get better with time, lots to come!  Working to have forums, radio channel and more!  Credits to Brother Berg, who has done the leg work.  Brother Berg will also be a regular contributor and is "chief editor" of the blog as it stands.   Thanks for visiting!


  1. Nice. If you decide to install a wiki system, I recommend DokuWiki. It's been a while (sorta like a past life) but I've installed and operated my fair share of forums, wikis and other content management systems and DokuWiki was probably my favorite. Very flexible and easy to use. Nice folks, too.

    phpBB is pretty good but in my experience, it is a bot magnet. You really have to lock it down stupidly tight to keep the swarm of SEO bots from flooding it with bullshit posts about cheap jerseys, knockoff gucci blah blah, etc, etc.. not that it doesn't happen with other systems, but for some reason, I rarely had bot problems on DokuWiki installs, the way so many do with phpBB installs. Some are luckier than others, but my guess is you'll be fighting off bots and trolls with a stick from day one.

    One old trick for phpBB (which maybe doesn't work anymore) is to remove all phpBB copyright information from footers, themes, etc.. basically remove any outward mention of the underlying software so the shittier bots have a harder time finding it. They used to say right in the TOS (probably still do) that if you remove the copyright info, they won't give you support, but in my experience, they don't offer support either way. Maybe that's changed, but I doubt it.

    I used to use DokuWiki to replace Drupal and other CMS sites that had fallen apart and had pretty good results most of the time.

    Good luck with this next phase of your project.

    1. ..and not to badmouth Drupal, really. You can make some really beautiful shit with it if you know what you're doing. Maybe it's easier to manage nowadays than it used to be.

    2. Thanks for the tips man! I hadn't thought of building a wiki but that would be absolutely perfect, wouldn't it. That's the vision right there, gonna happen sooner or later. I'll be doing some research into this and coming to you for guidance!

  2. Nice! Keep up the good work; looking forward to participating.

  3. Nice! Keep up the good work; looking forward to participating.

  4. good ideas... try not getting too big too fast... can lead to complications and distractions... and good idea to be able to read more non-football postings

    note to extracapsa .. i have had quite a few secure connection errors when trying to visit wordpress

    maybe a forum that allows for a few authors to post will be ok....

  5. should i hedge my Pats -2.5 bet?

  6. Gonna follow you here.Will take Broncos straight up now.Then Panthers in the SB.

    1. Not to mention, if Broncos win the Super Bowl it will be Manning's 50th win with Denver.

    2. Is that right? 50th win? That is some serious alignment.

  7. So Manning the Bronco,rides away on his "high horse."

  8. Thanks,glad i found your site.Very interesting info.

  9. Thanks,glad i found your site.Very interesting info.

  10. So Manning the Bronco,rides away on his "high horse."

  11. I thought 2016 is the year of the Monkey

  12. How confident are you that the Broncos will win?

    1. Still doing research, I will have my findings out soon in video form.

  13. I WAS WRONG ABOUT IT BEING THE YEAR OF THE HORSE, THAT WAS 2014, AND THE BRONCOS LOST THE SUPER BOWL THAT YEAR... in the 2013-14 season. SORRY, did not mean to spread the misinformation!

  14. I really like your "Deflate Gate" vs "Golden Gate" angle.Could you imagine Goodell handing over the Lombardi trophy to Brady? Doesn't that seem like a feel good story and a fitting ending to the script?

  15. Public will be all over the Pats this weekend.Books are going to need the Broncos.I think Broncos win.


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