Thursday, January 21, 2016

Reader Contribution | Living account of being in Memphis the day MLK Jr. was assassinated


  1. That's really interesting. A real example of history being changed before our eyes.

  2. This is great. It makes me think of the Mandela Effect, where so many people very clearly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80s. Or the Berenstein Bears mysteriously becoming the Berenstain Bears..

    As we know that in order to control the present one must control the past, the mind control operation of rewiring history to fit with an alphanumeric agenda could be reinforced by pointing to seemingly supernatural phenomena like the Mandela Effect. Smoke and mirrors.

    Or maybe due to the holographic nature of reality there's multiple timelines overlapping each other where the details are just slightly off. And the War for Truth is deciding what timeline we lock onto.

    1. That Berenstain thing kills me. I swear its a shared consciousness experiment. If enough people believe it was one way then it WAS that way. However, I can't remember if it was E or A. I have some twenty year old copies, they are stAined.

    2. These are ALL excellent points! I swear I could feel my BRAIN EXPAND as I read your post ... & reread it several times! Your message is DEEP -- but it makes absolute sense. (Oh how I envy your ability to do that in less than 4,000 words!! lol)

      I'm writing down that post & going to pin it to the wall, so I'll have a constant, visual reminder of why things so often seem askew ... (yeah - I'm one of THOSE "stick-it-on-the-wall people"!) ... But -- there's no multi-colored strands of yarn linking the cards ... well, not any more ... the cat decided to "rework" some of my theories, and since he doesn't have thumbs, he couldn't get the push pins to stick -- so it wound up in a tangled mess ... lol lol!! OMG - I get it now. He was simply trying to SHOW ME that EVERYTHING'S CONNECTED!! LOL!!)

      I agree wholeheartedly with your points -- that IS INDEED what WE'RE seeing. And to those still unaware such manipulations are taking place, these maneuvers help stoke the fires of doubt used to attack OUR credibility -- & all because the lies APPEAR to be backed by "proof". What a nightmarish web of deceit they've created -- with SO MANY LAYERS of Fraudulent Data to contend with, DISPROVING the lies sometimes seems nearly impossible!

      More & more, I'm thinking we Truthseekers need to goad people into stockpiling as much PAPER TEXT as they can handle. Even items that you KNOW aren't completely factual can still be worth saving (such as textbooks) -- because LATER THEY'RE STILL HANDY FOR DEFINITIVELY IDENTIFYING REVISIONS.
      And besides the propaganda & lies, newspapers contain LOTS OF LITTLE BITS OF DATA -- the types of things that are FREQUENTLY ALTERED EN MASSE OR ERASED ENTIRELY ... things such as what the weather was doing on a certain date. Reading about the "Knickerbocker Storm of 1922" REALLY drove that point home for me (since much of it didn't seem to add up ...)
      IT SEEMS AS THOUGH EVERYTHING PAPER IS DISAPPEARING FAST -- and with it goes ALL hope of retaining SOME ACCURACY about our current era. Stamps, menus, receipts -- all of these things may no longer exist on paper in 30 years. And nobody will remember EXACTLY how much items such as gas or bread cost NOW, so even stashing away a few newspaper ads will someday provide for eye-opening comparisons.

      I probably feel so strongly about saving PRINTED THINGS because here in the South, very few people have ANY family historical records, letters, etc. prior to the 1920s. MOST OF THOSE THINGS WERE DESTROYED BY FIRES, FLOODS & DISPOSSESSION DURING THE CIVIL WAR & RECONSTRUCTION. There's a giant gaping hole in the histories of our region -- a "Dark Ages" that was barely ending just prior to the Depression.
      As a result, those rewriting the history of the 1800s have been able to say pretty much ANYTHING they've wanted to ... & based on oral histories handed down through generations of my own family, I can ASSURE you that EVERYTHING they're promoting as "fact" about our region is either 100% fraudulent, or has been twisted so far out of context that it might as well be considered a lie.

      You know -- I bet YOU could've said ALL that in 500 words or less!! lol ;D :D

  3. Thank you for posting this on here! I've tried to post my reply a few times, but ... oh well, such is the life of a Truthspeaker, eh?

    I really do appreciate this because this is one way for that info to potentially be accessible to other Truthseekers, sometime off in the future (unlike the posts that You Tube "magically extinctifies" lol!)

    I hadn't spoken up about that day in YEARS, because I was fed up with hearing that I "must be mistaken" or "HAD to be WRONG" ... always capped off with "What does it matter anyway WHAT TIME HE WAS KILLED?" And THAT was the remark that ALWAYS made me want to drive their septum up through their brain pan -- to slice that worthless organ in half & complete what clearly must've been a botched lobotomy done in times past. But that's hardly a reasonable response, so I've just kept quiet.

    Now I'm GLAD that I didn't stay silent. The intelligent & unquestioning feedback from you & the others reminds me that I possess a unique piece of TRUE knowledge, and if I allow it slip into oblivion, then I have failed in the task I've been handed. And I won't let that happen.

    Thanks to ALL of you for proving that an honest person can STILL find people who will take them at their word -- no matter how much falsified proof has been stacked up against them. It's a rejuvenating sensation, & it's great!! ;D :D


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