Tuesday, December 27, 2016

37 137 | Israel summons US ambassador as Netanyahu lashes out at Obama on Christmas

Israel news was heavy on Christmas.  It wasn't by coincidence.

12/25 = 12+25 = 37
Israel = 28/37/64   (America = 37/64)

2017 will be a big year for the United States, Israel and the world.

2017 = 20+17 = 37

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

Rhodes = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Federal = 33; Order = 33

Remember, this rivalry is in theatrics only.  This is all part of a planned narrative.  This will be the narrative that transitions us to Donald Trump and the even more Pro Israel Government.

And it isn't that Obama is an enemy of Israel.  After all, he is the President that just signed the record financing of Israel, to the tune of an additional $10.4 million dollars per day, for the next 10 years.


137, eh!?  137, the 33rd prime.

37... 137...

David = 40 (Star of David = 40)
United States = 40
Forty = 84
United States of America = 84
Divide and Conquer = 84
Order Out of Chaos = 84
Obama = 84 (Born August 4, or 8/4)

Let us not forget this headline that went with the story:


  1. It's hard to picture how the US could possibly be more pro Is Real than they already are.

    I suppose they could replace Uncle Sam's top hat with a Yarmulke.

    That would be pretty funny.

  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/Numerologynow/status/813852287491854337

    1. https://twitter.com/CantStopGeorge/status/813910116210720772

    2. Thats interesting..Ive said it before, i dont trust anyone on utube 100%


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