Freemasonry = 139
America = 139
This news is coming out of Washington State, the 42nd, named after George Washington, the Freemason. Freemason = 42; Zionism = 42
The Bavarian Illuminati = 221
221 days from Trump's birthday to Inauguration Day
Death = 118; Election Date, November 8 (11/8)
Freemason = 307
Keep in mind today is March 9, or 3/9.
From Travel Ban 1.0's proposal to Travel Ban 2.0 was a span of 39-days.
Read about Travel Ban 2.0's proposal here:
Also, it has been 33-days since Washington State banned the last "travel ban". That was February 4, or 4/2, fitting for news out of the 42nd State.
I guess, those people won't visit the country anyway. And even if the wanted, it isn't a huge thing to lose such an oportunity. I don't care about traveling much. If I want to look at how things are going on in a different country, I can just visit . Quite an easy solution.