Wednesday, September 5, 2018

33 52 54 59 96 118 147 | CDC meets plane at JFK after passengers report feeling ill, September 5, 2018 +Tribute to JFK's assassination +Vanilla Ice on the plane

Landed around 9:06 AM.  JFK died on a date with 96 numerology.

11/22/63 = 11+22+63 = 96 (Freemason =  96)

JFK died on a date with 52 numerology.

11/22/1963 = 11+22+(1+9+6+3) = 52 
(President = 52) (Government = 52) (White House = 52)

Today has 52 numerology.

5/9/2018 = 5+9+20+18 = 52

Today can be written 5/9, like 59.

Freemasonry = 59 (Hebrew and English)

JFK, killed in the middle of Dealey Plaza, named after a 33rd Degree Freemason.

Today, the people were 'ill'.

ILL = 9+12+12 = 33

If you haven't read my book, there is a chapter on the 'Kennedy Curse'.

Today's plane was 'Emirates'.

And don't forget...

JFK was the 35th President, the only Catholic, and he died at age 46.


JFK was killed in the 187th year of the nation's existence, on 11/22.

Dealey Plaza is named after a Scottish Rite Freemason, which has its HQ in D.C.

Update:  They're now saying Vanilla Ice was on the plane, who is from Dallas, like where JFK was assassinated.

Vanilla = 118
Dallas, Texas = 118

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