Read more about the name Mozart here:
He died on the day leaving 26-days left in the year.
Sound = 26; Noise = 26
Mozart, a Freemason, died 44-weeks and 4-days after his birthday. Masonic = 444
He also died on his 313th day of his age. 313, the 65th prime; Music = 65

Think about December 5, 2018 being the National Day of Mourning for GEORGE Bush.
His son is George W after all... born on the 187th day of the year...
Gold is God? God = 26; Dollar = 26; Bank = 26
Walt Disney = 42; Freemason = 42; Twenty-Six = 42; *Saturn = 26 / 42 / 93

A ticket to the USA on the 339th day of the year?

Alcohol = 33
Read more about Prohibition and 33 here:
Military = 44; Bermuda = 44; *Clock = 44
When I think of the Bermuda Triangle, I think of things being lost to time.
Saturn is the keeper of time.
12/5/1952 = 12+5+19+52 = 88
1977. Judaism = 77; Zionist = 77; Power = 77
Egypt = 62 (Reflection of 26)
Men of God, responsible for money fraud.
God = 26; Dollar = 26; Bank = 26
Bakker was 45-years-old at the time, to go with his 45-year initial sentence.
Holy Bible = 45 / 45
See my work on O.J. and 33. It's the pattern than never ends. Simpson = 33
Read about the death of Nelson Mandela and the Mandela Effect here:
Read about the shaming of John Conyers here:
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