Sunday, January 4, 2015

86 93 | Thelema On Ice? An Illuminati Illusion?

Watch this clip:

There are three things to notice *86, 88, 93:
  1. Johan Franzen wears the number 93
    • Johan = 10+15+8+1+14 = 48
    • Franzen = 6+18+1+14+26+5+14 = 84
    • Johan Franzen = 132
  2. Patrick Kane, who wears 88.
    • Patrick = 33 (Pythagorean Gematria)
    • Kane = 13 (Pythagorean Gematria)
  3. The Referee Who Appears From Out of Nowhere Wears #86
    • In Jewish Gematria, 'Black Magic' equals 86
    • In Simple English Gematria, the following words equal 86:
      • Pyramid
      • Triangle
      • Republic
      • Citizen
      • Nephilim
      • Infinite
Think of the symbolism generated from those set of words.  Quite significant, wouldn't you say?


  1. I've never seen anything like that before. It appears there is a shadow outlining the refs right hand when he presses against the Blackhawks jersey, so I'm going with computer generated. Referee=44/62. Whistle=33/96.


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