Wednesday, April 1, 2015

39 42 47 | Kenya School Shooting Hoax of April 2, 2015

This story comes days after it is announced Obama will be visiting Kenya.  He is supposed to visit Kenya in July; July 1 is ninety days from today. (Ninety 5+9+5+5+2+7 = 33)
  • Garissa = 7+1+9+9+10+10+1 = 47
  • Garissa = 7+1+18+9+19+19+1 = 74
  • Al Shabaab = 1+12+19+8+1+2+1+1+2 = 47
Between Garissa, Al Shababb, and Kenya- there are many connections to the word President.
  • Kenya = 11+5+14+25+1 = 56
  • Garissa = 47/74
  • Al Shabaab = 47
  • President = 47/56
The date of this reported shooting is April 2, or 4/2, much like 42.
  • 4/2/15 = 4+2+15 = 21
  • 4/2/2015 = 4+2+2+0+1+5 = 14

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