Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Gearoid O'Colmain's Truth Speaking on RT News

Gearoid = 7+5+1+9+6+9+4 = 41
O'Colmain = 6+3+6+3+4+1+9+5 = 37
Gearoid O'Colmain = 78

Gearoid = 7+5+1+18+15+9+4 = 59
O'Colmain = 15+3+15+12+13+1+9+14 = 82
Gearoid O'Colmain = 141


People forget that the mainstream media puts out the truth all the time, but never names names and while also mixing it in with a pile of lies.  RT is more of a propaganda network than anything else.  What this man said on RT News is nothing new, but cheers to him anyway.


  1. Agree 100%. There are a number of controlled opposition groups people need to wise up to and understand. Veterans Today, AE911Truth,etc.

  2. At least it was said...even if it was clouded by the other lies being told. We caught it...perhaps others will. I'm trying to be a bit more optimistic I guess lol

  3. Zach, do you have an opinion on Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire?
    I think he's the best thing about RT.
    And yes, RT is a Sovietic propaganda outlet, they splashed the word "GENOCIDE" across the screen during the conflict in 2008 Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    For fuck's sake, the genocide of the ISOs in Tron Legacy was more real than that!


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