When you sum every number on the Roulette Wheel, you get a total value of 666, the infamous number from Revelation in the Bible. The red numbers sum to 332 whereas the black numbers sum to 334. There is also one, and sometimes two, green zeros on the wheel. The largest number is "36", which in my mind, helps confirm a belief I have. It is as follows:
- The number 36 represents 666
- Three-Six = Three Sixes = 666
- Think of 3-6 Mafia, the Memphis rap group
- Roulette = 9+6+3+3+5+2+2+5 = 35
- Within the number are 96, representing Satanism
- And also master numbers 22 and 33
- Satanism = 19
+1+20+1+14+9+19+13 = 96 Roulette = 18+15+21+12+5+20+20+5 = 116 The Number '911' upside down
La Roulette = 3+1+9=6+3+3+5+2+2+5 = 39
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