Wednesday, August 6, 2014

33 47 | Experian and Chairman Don Robert

To begin this post, I want to explain the importance and significance of understanding Gematria and how it is used by the elites.  Tonight I was in a room where a television was playing.  On the screen was an advertisement for 'Experian'.  For good practice, I quickly calculated the sum of the word.  It turned out it was "47", a number often paired with "33" and "74"- and often found in my research.  In turn, it made me look up the company on Wikipedia- right away I noticed the Chairman had a "33 33" name; made up of two common names found in CEO and Chairman names of most other "33, 47, 74" companies.

Experian is a technology services company that was formed in 1996.  It originated from GUS, a company formed in the 1970s.
  • Experian = 5+6+7+5+9+9+1+5 = 47
  • Experian was formerly "GUS"
  • GUS = 7+21+19 = 47
The Chairman of Experian is "Don Robert".
  • Don = 4+15+14 = 33
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
It is reported that Experian's 2013 revenue was $4.7 billion.  Isn't that curious in light of the fact that their name Gematria equates to 47?  Experian's CEO is named Chris Callero, notice the CC initials.  C is the third letter, so CC equals 33.
  • Chris = 3+8+9+9+1 = 30, reduces to 3
  • Callero = 3+1+3+3+5+9+6 = 30, reduces to 3
Another notable figure at the company is "John Peace".
  • John = 10+15+8+14 = 47
  • Peace = 16+5+1+3+5 = 30
  • John Peace = 47+30 = 77
How about that for name Gematria?  I don't think it could be anymore "epic".
  • Epic = 5+16+9+3 = 33

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