Wednesday, August 6, 2014

33 | CNN 'Big Bang' Headlines | CNN Wants You to Know Big Bang Equals Thirty-Three

Looked at how CNN has taken the time to hyphenate 'Big Bang' in the image captured from their website at 3:22 pm Pacific Standard Time on Wednesday August 6, 2014.  Often times when CNN hyphenates a word or words, whether it be 'Big Bang', 'outrage', 'deserve', etc.- it equates to "33" in Gematria.
  • Big Bang = 2+9+7+2+1+5+7 = 33
  • Outrage = 6+3+2+9+1+7+5 = 33
  • Deserve = 4+5+1+5+9+4+5 = 33
Also notice how to the side of the 'Big Bang' headline is a story about our data not being safe, and a person named Douglas Rushkoff doing the talking.
  • Douglas = 4+6+3+7+3+1+1 = 25
  • Rushkoff = 9+3+1+8+2+6+6+6 = 41
  • Douglas Rushkoff = 25+41 = 66
  • Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66

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