Thursday, August 7, 2014

33 | CNN's 'The Sixties' | A Tribute To Thirty-Three

Today I noticed CNN had the word 'sixties' hyphenated, which made me wonder what the Gematria of it was.
  • Sixties = 1+9+6+2+9+5+1 = 33
Notice the tag line for CNN's show up the decade; it refers to 'the sixties' as the decade that shaped America... which no doubt about it, has been shaped by the "33".  So thank you CNN for your tip of the hat to "33".  If it weren't for CNN hyphenating "33 words", I might not have discovered several of the "33" words that I have yet, from "outrage" to "sixties".

Keep in mind that CNN is a "33" network and was founded by Robert Turner III, born November 19, 1938.
  • Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
  • Turner = 2+3+9+5+5+9 = 33
  • The Third...
  • 11/19/1938 = 1+1+1+9+1+9+3+8 = 33
  • CNN is headquartered in Atlanta, on the 33rd Parallel North
  • ATL = 1+20+12 = 33
In the image below, notice how CNN hyphenated 'The Sixties' in the Editor's Choice bar just below the yellow banner reading "The Decade That Changed The World"... of course that banner is also referring to 'The Sixties'.

  • Tens = 2+5+5+1 = 13
  • Twenties = 2+5+5+5+2+9+5+1 = 34
  • Thirties = 2+8+9+9+2+9+5+1 = 45
  • Forties = 6+9+9+2+9+5+1 = 41
  • Fifties = 6+9+6+2+9+5+1 = 38
  • Sixties = 1+9+6+2+9+5+1 = 33
  • Seventies = 1+5+4+5+5+2+9+5+1 = 37
  • Eighties = 5+9+7+8+2+9+5+1 = 46
  • Nineties = 5+9+5+5+2+9+5+1 = 41
  • Hundreds = 8+3+5+4+9+5+4+1 = 39

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