Monday, February 2, 2015

114.4 Million Viewers for the Super Bowl

We have been talk about the numbers 44, 114 and 144 much.  Notice how the viewership of 114.4 million has all of those numbers coded within.
  • 114
  • 144
  • 44
  • 11


  1. Maybe we made up a story to polarize and waste your time. Maybe it is my good looks. Maybe you are an idiot for continuing to watch football? Who knows? But apparently there were 33 ticket holders that ordered popcorn and mountain dew, 44 people that say they would vote for Ross Perot if he were gay (which he probably is), 114 million people with hemorrhoids, and 144 thousand people that would have disqualified the Patriots and instead allowed the Oregon ducks to play in the Superbowl.

    OK. Sorry, I'm just going to start making up my own news because this crap they are pumping out is silly and obviously just a tool for getting out these black magic numbers.

  2. Yes, I am glad I am paying attention to this because it makes it all so clear how this is really done. It is all forced. But still, the question remains why? Is it just ritual, or something more?

    1. Why? That is a great question. If everyone would ask this question and really try to think of why I believe much truth can be uncovered.


      Perhaps it is some sort of witchcraft that gains (either real or perceived) power in the spiritual realm. People that are involved with witchcraft see real power and supernatural things when doing there rituals. So maybe that is part of it. That would also make some sense of the rituals that happen during football halftime shows.


      Kitchen Sink Strategy: The false news stories and these numbers coded into the everything along with exposure to tv programming and predictive programming and pollution of the air and fluoride in the water and OTC pills and prescription drugs, and violence laced video games, movies and news reports are all snares that numb and ultimately capture the mind. Each part is an ingredient that flavors the mind control which is no doubt brainwashing the masses in a way that we don't fully understand. Some people escape this blindness, but most do not.

      Maybe trauma based mind control is real. Maybe control is achieved on hundreds of millions of Americans simply due to watching and believing the lies found on cable tv news, programming and reading false news and these numbers are being planted in the minds of most. Most reported news if true would be traumatic (if you believe what they are saying) so that later these numbers can serve as EMOTIONAL and BEHAVIORAL triggers. To me this while hard to really understand does make a lot of sense.

      I know people that have been programmed in the military and after training these people are different. They are good soldiers and they don't think for themselves(at least the ones I'm thinking of). The numbing of the mind plays some part in why people believe lies. We live in a world of distraction and that is by design. Breaking free from that which controls our minds is essential. By the masses own free will they choose to continue to participate in that which is destroying them (rather one acknowledges this or not) and they believe lies because they have not received the love of the truth.

      Ultimately I believe the source is spiritual wickedness in high places. It is a spiritual wickedness that deceives, destroys and robs people of life. It wars against those that believe the truth.


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