Thursday, February 5, 2015

33 | Barkley's '33 Rebound' Record, and TNT's February 5, 2015 Broadcast

On TNT Charley Barkley is being teased by the television crew because he forgot that his record performance for rebounds was '33'.  He thought it was '30', but it is '33'.
  • Barkley = 2+1+18+11+12+5+25 = 74
  • Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
Notice that Charles Barkley achieved his '33 rebound' landmark performance on November 3, or 11/3.  Notice that the prior record was set on March 3, or 3/3.
  • 11/3 (November 3)
  • 3/3 (March 3)
  • Great nights for '33 rebounds'
For those who don't watch professional basketball, '33' rebounds is a very large number.  In an average night, the most rebounds on a team will be around 12-14, so not have even half of '33'.

The TNT TV crew definitely made a point to talk about this tonight... the crew is made up of Shaquille O'Neal, Kenney Smith, Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley
  • Ernie = 5+9+5+9+5 = 33
    • Johnson = 32
  • Kenney = 2+5+5+5+5+11 = 33
    • Smith = 33
  • Barkley = 2+1+18+12+11+5+25 = 74
    • Charles = 66
    • O'Neal = 15+14+5+1+12 = 47

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