Saturday, February 7, 2015

44 53 | Goodbye Brian, Hello Lester, For How Long?

Starting at News Anchor for the National Broadcast Association, LESTER HOLT!
  • Lester = 3+5+1/10+2+5+9 = 25/34
  • Holt = 8+6+3+2 = 19
  • Lester Holt = 44/53
  • Lester = 12+5+19+20+5+18 = 79
  • Holt = 8+15+12+20 = 55
  • Lester Holt = 134

1 comment:

  1. Considering the man has not spoken a non-scripted word in 14 years, this is just content to drive ratings for a couple weeks. Also, i'm sure his vacation was planned months ago.


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