Thursday, December 3, 2015

114 | Los Angeles Vote, 11-4, During San Bernardino Shooting, to Give Retired Police Officers Longer Ammunition Clips

Notice this article was written at 2:07, while the 'San Bernardino Shooting Situation' was going on.  Also notice the vote was 11-4, a lot like 114, in the time of the 114th Congress.  Also, let us not forget that San Bernardino was 146-years old, and 114-days on December 2, 2014, what in history will be recorded as a massacre.  In other words, this shooting happened 114 days after it's birthday.  This becomes all the more interesting when you realize that San Bernardino has a Gematria of 114.

August 10 is also the 222nd day of the year.

Notice the span of 3 months and 22 days.  322, Skull and Bones, is a Masonic Order.

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