Sunday, December 13, 2015

13 33 79 96 113 151 | From Conor McGregor's Birthday, to Winning UFC 194, December 12, 2015

Notice he knocked out 'Jose', from Brazil, on Royce Gracie's birthday, in 13-seconds.
Jose = 1+6+1+5 = 13 (Pythagorean Gematria)
McGregor and Rousey now share the UFC Video Game Cover, with '13' in common
Rousey lost in her 13th Fight... McGregor won in 13 seconds, in a fixed fight, for both of them... for all of them...

12/12/2015 = 12+12+20+15 = 59
7/14/1988 = 7+1+4+1+9+8+8 = 38
7/14/1988 = 7+14+(1+9+8+8) = 47
7/14/1988 = 7+14+19+88 = 128
7/14/88 = 7+14+88 = 109

Notice that Connor McGregor's birthday is July 14.  Last night, December 12, fulfilling his prediction, he became the featherweight champion of UFC, exactly 151-days after his birthday.  This is extremely interesting, because the name Conor McGregor has Gematria of 151.

Call it a coincidence.

12x12 = 144
Time = 144, Jewish Gematria = 100+9+30+5 = 144
First UFC Fight Championship, UFC 1, Decided at 1:44
The winner was Royce Gracie, who was born December 12, 1966

Mixed = 4+9+6+5+4 = 28
Martial = 4+1+9+2+9+1+3 = 29
Arts = 1+9+2+1 = 13/22
Mixed Martial Arts = 70/79

His full birth name, Conor Anthony McGregor, is perfect for another 'dishonest' fighter in the 'mainstream', something that are a dime a dozen in the sport.

In this fight, Conor Anthony McGregor one Round 1, in 13 seconds.

His last name reminds me that he is Scottish.

Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33

The name Conor McGregor, in English Gematria, has an interesting alignment with '96'.

Here is also a little backstory on the first time they were supposed to fight.

Notice the date they were supposed to fight, July 11, 2015.

7/11/2015 = 7+11+20+15 = 53
7/11/2015 = 7+11+(2+0+1+5) = 26
7/11/2015 = 7+1+1+2+0+1+5 = 17
7/11/15 = 7+11+15 = 33 (MC, Connor McGregor)

The fight was delayed '22' weeks for 'Jose'.

 Jose = 1+6+1+5 = 13/22

$7.2 million purse?  Record for featherweight (72)?


  1. Another 13 in this story. 13 seconds. Warriors lose by 13. 31 page climate change document.


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