Saturday, January 9, 2016

31 34 | Steelers earn 34th Playoff Win, AFC Wild Card, January 9, 2016

Bengals lost with 16 points; Bengals = 33; Sixteen = 33; Orange = 33
The Steelers earned their 34th playoff win, with a game summing to 34-points (18+16), and some major, hardcore rigging at the end.  The Bengals were even in position to make the Steelers use all of their timeouts, and kick a field goal to go up four, while inside the two minute warning.  Instead, they chose to fumble on their first possession, a fumble that was recovered by #31 on the Steelers (caused by #50), while the score was 16-15 in favor of the Bengals.

Steelers = 1+2+5+5+3+5+9+1 = 31
15-16 (15+16 = 31)

Roethlisberger also had 31 attempts on the game.

Let us look at the fumble recovery team.

Cockrell = 3+6+3+2+9+5+3+3 = 34 (Steelers, 34th playoff win)

In the year of Super Bowl 50, Shazier, #50 had a big Wild Card round game.


  1. ppl cant be this dum in not see the nfl is rigged think about it on the penalty on pac man the coach wasn't even supposed to be on the field

    in what about the helmet to helmet on Bernard that wasnt even called

    i hope that madden prediction isnt right but rite now it mite be stteelers in cardinals

  2. Ben's Purple shirt and Tie pregame meant he was coming in for the kill not McCarron. My Bad.

    "Purple" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Purple" in the English Reduction system equals 34

    Final Score:
    Steelers 18 - Bengals 16

    18+16= 34

    Bengals Lost with 16.

    "sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    "sixteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 96

    McCarron , Burfict and Cincinnati Bengals sold out a whole city by the numbers.

    Steelers and Roethlisberger won with 18 points. Ben was born in Lima, Ohio.

    eighteen" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    "Lima Ohio" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    "Lima" in the English Reduction system equals 17 (The Kill #)

    "Lima" in the English Ordinal system equals 35

    ( Thirty Five Yard Field Goal Got The Kill.)

    Check This. Take Ben's Purple Pregame Shirt and Tie and Add/Subtract it from Lima ,Ohio's Gematria.

    88+46= .. 105 .. (Zionism and Masonry =105'-42')

    88-46= .. 42 ..

    Lima, Ohio has 44 and 54 in it's coordinates. It's also nicknamed "The Bean". That's The Town Slogan?

    "The Bean" in the English Ordinal system equals 55

    (Remember All The Shots To "The Bean" from #55 in that game?)

    What Other shots to the bean clues might Lima Have? Hmm.

    "Lima, Ohio" in the English Ordinal system equals

    .. 82 ..

    Barack Hussein Obama" in the English Reduction system equals

    .. 82 ..,_Ohio

  3. This is amazing to me:

    Ryan Shazier = 63 pythagorean
    Shaved Eyebrows = 63 pythagorean


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