Saturday, January 9, 2016

39 57 | 'JE SUIS JUIF', Israel Times Cover

Do you see that sign?  It reads, 'I am jewish'.

Jesuis = 1+5+1+3+9+1 = 20
Juif = 1+3+9+6 = 19
Jesuis Juif = 39/57 (39 Books in Old Testament) (Moon = 57, Jews identify through the moon)


  1. Occasionally, I'll decode some random phrases, and find some interesting Gematria. I'd like to document a few here before I forget about them.

    They broke the mold when they made you = 153

    They broke the mould when they made you = 156 (British Spelling)

    A wise man once told me = 74

    I haven't slept a wink = 74

    Pay the Piper = 139

    Pay the Fiddler = 133

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = 187

    The One-Eyed Man = 62

    One-Eyed Man = 47

    It takes a village to raise a child = 116

    It takes a village = 55

    No Worries = 55

    Good Riddance = 99

    I've got a case of the Monday's = 99

    He's dead as a doornail = 74

    Dead as a doornail = 123

    Love is Blind = 123

    I want the naked truth = 222

    Naked Truth = 122

    Jealousy is a Green-Eyed Monster = 122

    Envy is a Green-Eyed Monster = 116

    Green-Eyed Monster = 84

    Work Hard, Play Hard = 84

    Too much of a good thing is bad for you = 351/153

    If it's meant to be, it's meant to be = 301/103

    In my heart of hearts = 88

    Heart of Hearts = 144

    Everything happens for a reason = 144

    Heart of Gold = 111

    At the end of the day = 71

    Same difference = 113

    Sorry, I'm not sorry = 90

    I can't complain = 58

    Fight fire with fire = 114

    Send him packing = 133

    Give it a hundred and ten percent = 133

    What's done, is done = 67

    Do what you will = 62

    Just do, what you gotta do = 77

    Ice Breaker = 77

    Break the ice = 51

    You better lay low = 66

    Lay Low = 88

    Vanish into thin air = 93

    Vanished into thin air = 102

    Such a sight for sore eyes to see = 122

    A sight for sore eyes = 88

    Your wish, is my command = 96

    The world is my oyster = 93

  2. Here's a decoded line from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

    Such a sight as this Becomes the field, but here shows much amiss = 222 ~ Hamlet (Act V, Scene II)

    Such a sight as this Becomes the field = 322/133

    but here shows much amiss = 89

    1. Go read my Comment on this post about the film "Sicario" from the other day. I think you'll find it interesting. It connects right to this numerically and in subject matter.

    2. Ah, I see. You're referring to your discovery about hidden corpses. Nice find!

      Such a sight as this Becomes the field = 322/133

      Corpses hidden within the walls = 322/133

      In Paris, France; there's an underworld that exists, below the bustling mecca of tourism. Deep within The Catacombs of Paris, is a fairly well-known tunnel network, that is structurally reinforced with human bones. They give some innocently presented historical explanation for this, but there has to be something more sinister going on there. Touché, mon ami.


    4. Here is the answer to your query.

      Catacomb" in the English Ordinal system equals 58

      "Catacomb" in the English Reduction system equals 22

      Supposedly Established in 1810 was The Catacombs De Paris.

      eighteen ten" in the English Reduction system equals 58

      "eighteen ten" in the English Ordinal system equals 112
      Thelema" in the English Ordinal system equals

      .. 64 ..

      Catacombes de Paris" in the English Reduction system equals

      .. 64 /82 ..

      eighty two" in the English Ordinal system equals 132

      "eighty two" in the English Reduction system equals 51

      "Touché mon ami" in the English Ordinal system equals 132

      "Touché mon ami" in the English Reduction system equals 51

      "Key My Friend."

    5. Yes, Thelema is very prevalent in Europe.

      Just for future reference; The calculator only works with English characters. So all you have to do, is change the é to e; Touché = Touche.

      Touché mon ami = 137/56 (137; 33rd Prime Number)

      This error is very common though, and I say this in learning from my own missteps. Overall, you've been doing an outstanding job here. Great Work!

    6. I just found this out after sending my reply.

      Characters = 96/42/51 = Freemason

      English Characters = 80 (Eighty = 74 = English)

    7. "Key My Friend" in the English Sumerian system equals

      .. 810 ..

      Thelemic Order" in the English Sumerian system equals

      .. 810 ..

    8. Vous êtes très bon à trouver les synchronicités ! Jusqu'à ce que nous nous reverrons, mon frère.


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