Friday, January 8, 2016

33 86 | The Death of Eustice Mullins, Author of 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve'

One of my younger followers asked me if I was aware of Eustace Mullins last evening.  I told him off of the top of my head that I was not, but now that I see he is the author of The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, I realize I have read a large portion of his book.

Notice this man, who called out Zionism as no one before him had, died on February 2, the 33rd day of the year.  Phillip Seymour Hoffman passed on this date as well, with '44 bags of heroin on his person'... on the fourth floor of an apartment building, February 2, 2014.

Holocaust = 8+6+3+6+3+1+3+1+2 = 33
Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33

Eustace = 5+3+1+2+1+3+5 = 20/29
Clarence = 3+3+1+9+5+5+3+5 = 34
Mullins = 4+3+3+3+9+5+1 = 28/37
Jr. = 1+9 = 10
Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. = 92/110
Eustace Mullins = 48/66

Eustace = 5+21+19+20+1+3+5 = 74
Clarence = 3+12+1+18+5+14+3+5 = 61
Mullins = 13+21+12+12+9+14+19 = 100
Jr. = 10+18 = 28
Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. = 263
Eustace Mullins = 174

He was born in the moving filming down of Roanoke, VA, March 9, 1923.

Roanoke, VA = 9+6+1+5+6+2+5+4+1+  39 (Born 3/9)

3/9/1923 = 3+9+19+23 = 54
3/9/1923 = 3+9+1+9+2+3 = 27
3/9/23 = 3+9+23 = 35

Again, he died February 2, the 33rd day of the year.

2/2/2010 = 2+2+20+10 = 34 (Murder)
2/2/2010 = 2+2+2+0+1+0 = 7
2/2/10 = 2+2+10 = (Dead) (End)

Notice that he died at age 86, just shy of his 87th birthday.

Symbol = 86
Triangle = 86
Pyramid = 86

The other thing I want to call attention to are the labels put on this man.  Those being 'conspiracy theorist' and 'Holocaust Denier'.  Those are words created by the perpetrators of the CONSPIRACY FACT.  As a truthseeker, make sure you stay away from those words and phrases, 'conspiracy theorist' and 'conspiracy denier'.  Those are phrases created by the liars and deceivers to deter people from the truth.

Let us close with the gematria of 'holocaust', as well as the Zionist-Masonic phrase, 'Never Again'.

Holocaust = 8+6+3+6+3+1+3+1+2 = 33/42
Holocaust = 8+15+12+15+3+1+21+19+20 = 114

Never Again = 5+5+4+5+9+1+7+1+9+5 = 51 (Conspiracy, Freemason)
Never Again = 14+5+22+5+18+1+7+1+9+14 = 96 (Freemason)

Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51/60
Theorist = 2+8+5+6+9+9+1+2 = 42/51
Conspiracy Theorist = 93/111


1 comment:

  1. Another red flag for me was when I heard a clip of Bill Cooper calling Mullins a 'racist' and all sorts of other things.


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