Sunday, January 3, 2016

33 44 137 | January 7, President Obama & Anderson Cooper Will Give 1-Hour, "Final Pitch" "Obama Town Hall" for Gun Control

Isn't the propaganda so transparent?  From Sandy Hook forward, these tools, Anderson Cooper and President Obama, have been on the TV more than anyone, crying for gun control.  Both of these men deserve the firing squad.  Notice the date they are giving this 'pitch'.

1/7/2016 = 1+7+20+16 = 44

With regards to this "final pitch", I'll be keeping my eyes on the date that follows "ten days later", January 17, 2016, a date with '54' numerology, matching Obama's current age, a number that often shows up around sacrifice.

One last point, the gematria of 'town hall' is fitting for CNN and these shooting hoaxes.

Town = 2+6+5+5 = 18
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Town Hall = 33

They're referring to it as an 'Obama Town Hall'.

Obama = 6+2+1+4=1 = 14
Town = 2+6+5+5 = 18
Hall = 8+1+3+3 = 15
Obama Town Hall = 47 (President = 47)

Town = 20+15+23+14 = 72
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
Town Hall = 105 (Zionism, Masonry)

Obama = 15+2+1+13+1 = 32
Town = 20+15+23+14 = 72
Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
Obama Town Hall = 137 (33rd Prime) (Washington D.C.)

Recall that 33 is the number of the psychological operations, often coded into the propaganda based shootings, that are sponsored by the federal government, and news networks such as CNN, which happens to broadcast from the 33rd Parallel North.

Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33
Shooting hoaxes are Federal Agenda


  1. Would they kill the first black president so close to MLK Day? Of course they would.

    1. Some people are saying that he'll be critically or possibly mortally wounded and have his wound (or death) miraculously healed by laying of hands by a religious figure.

      If anything like this happens, Obama and his healer would be lifted to prophetic and messianic statuses in the eyes of many people. Reminds me a bit of the setup for Escape from L.A. although it begins with a prophesized megaquake and not an assassination attempt.

      "After the devastation, the constitution is damned, and the newly elected President accepts a lifetime term of office. Fearing a massive terrorist invasion from South America, the United States prepares for war. The Great Wall is built along the southern border, cutting off the flow of illegal aliens."

    2. I guess it'd be more likely to happen under somebody of a more stereotypical christian background. There was also a bit in that movie where they say the president moves the nation's capital to his home town.

  2. "guns in america" in the English Reduction system equals 71 (s-exception)

    seventy one" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    "cnn to host town hall on guns in America" in the English Reduction system equals 144


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