Friday, May 1, 2015

144 | Mondawmin Mall in Baltimore, Turning 59-Years Old

  • Mondawmin = 13+15+14+4+1+23+13+9+14 = 106
  • Mall = 13+1+12+12 = 38
  • Mondawmin  Mall = 144
  • MM = 44
  • Forty Four = 144
The name comes from 'The Song of Hiawatha'.
  • The = 2+8+5 = 15
  • Song = 1+6+5+7 = 19/28
  • of = 6+6 = 12
  • Hiawatha = 8+9+1+5+1+2+8+1 = 35
  • The Song of Hiawatha = 81/90
Notice the mall will turn 59-years old this October.
  • Baltimore = 95
  • 59-years old in '95' land
It will be interesting to see if the mall becomes involved in the Freddie Gray festivities.

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