Friday, May 1, 2015

33 113 | Great Hanshin Earthquake (Kobe Earthquake) of January 17, 1995

The date and epicenter are most curious here, that location being 'Kobe'.
  • Kobe =11+15+2+5 = 33
The date fits the pattern as well.
  • 1/17/1995 = 1+1+7+1+9+9+5 = 33
  • 1/17/95 = 1+17+95 = 113
Also, the name 'Great Hanshin'.
  • Great = 7+9+5+1+2 = 24
  • Hanshin = 8+1+5+1+8+9+5 = 37/46
  • Great Hanshin = 61/70
  • Earthquake = 44
  • Great Hanshin Earthquake = 105/114

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