Saturday, July 5, 2014

32 | The Numerology of the NFL Teams | What Makes the Seahawks Special

The National Football League, or NFL, is made up of 32 Team.  The acronym NFL also has a Gematria of 32.
  • NFL = 14+6+12 = 32
AFC West
Kansas City = 2+1+5+1+1+1+3+9+2+7 = 32/50, Kansas City = 41 (5)
Chiefs = 3+8+9+5+6+1 = 32 (5)
Kansas City Chiefs = 64/82 (1)
Denver = 4+5+5+4+5+9 = 32, Denver = 50 (5)
Broncos = 2+9+6+5+3+6+1 = 32/41 (5)
Denver Broncos = 64/73 (1)
Oakland = 6+1+2+3+1+5+4 = 22, Oakland = 31 (4)
Raiders = 9+1+9+4+5+9+1 = 38/47 (11)
Oakland Raiders = 60/69 (6)
San Diego = 1+1+5+4+9+5+7+6 = 38/47 (11)
Chargers = 3+8+1+9+7+5+9+1 = 43/52 (7)
San Diego Chargers = 81/90/99 (9)

AFC North
Baltimore = 2+1+3+2+9+4+6+9+5 = 41 (5)
Ravens = 9+1+4+5+5+1 = 25/34, Ravens = 9+1+22+5+5+1 = 43 (7)
Baltimore Ravens = 66/75 (3)
Cincinnati = 3+9+5+3+9+5+5+1+2+9 = 51 (6)
Bengals = 2+5+5+7+1+3+1 = 24/33 (6)
Cincinnati Bengals = 75/84 (3)
Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33, Cleveland = 51 (6)
Browns = 2+9+6+5+5+1 = 28/37 (1)
Cleveland Browns = 66/70 (7)
Pittsburgh = 7+9+2+2+1+2+3+9+7+8 = 50/59 (5)
Steelers = 1+2+5+5+3+5+9+1 = 31/40/49 (4) 
Pittsburgh Steelers = 81/90/99/108 (9)

AFC South
Houston = 8+6+3+1+2+6+5 = 31 (4)
Texans = 2+5+6+1+5+1 = 20/29 (2)
Houston Texans = 51/60 (6)
Indianapolis = 9+5+4+9+1+4+1+7+6+3+9+1 = 60/69 (6)
Colts = 3+6+3+2+1 = 15/24 (6)
Indianapolis Colts = 75/84/93 (3)
Jacksonville = 1+1+3+2+1+6+5+4+9+3+3+5 = 43/52/61/70 (7)
Jaguars = 1+1+7+3+1+9+1 = 23/32 (5)
Jacksonville Jaguars = 66/75/84 (3)
Tennessee = 2+5+5+5+5+1+1+5+5 = 34/52 (7)
Titans = 2+9+2+1+5+1 = 20/29 (2)
Tennesse Titans = 54/81 (9)

AFC East
Buffalo = 2+3+6+6+1+3+6 = 27 (9)
Bills = 2+9+3+3+1 = 18/27 (9)
Buffalo Bills = 45/54 (9)
Miami = 4+9+1+4+9 = 27 (9)
Dolphins = 4+6+3+7+8+9+5+1 = 43/52 (7)
Miami Dolphins = 70/79 (7)
New England = 5+5+5+5+5+7+3+1+5+4 = 45 (9)
Patriots = 7+1+2+9+9+6+2+1 = 37/46 (1)
New England Patriots = 82/91 (1)
New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39/48 (3)
Jets = 1+5+2+1 = 9/18 (9)
New York Jets = 48/57/66 (3)

NFC West
Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39 (3)
Cardinals = 3+1+9+4+9+5+1+3+1 = 36/45 (9)
Arizona Cardinals = 75/84 (3)
Saint. Louis = 1+1+9+5+2+3+6+3+9+1 = 40/49/58 (4)
Rams = 9+1+4+1 = 15/24 (6)
Saint Louis Rams = 55/64/73/82 (1)
San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50/59/68 (5)
49ers = 4+9+5+9+1 = 28/37, Forty-Niners = 6+6+9+2+7+5+9+5+5+9+1 = 64 (1)
San Francisco 49ers = 78/87/105; San Francisco Forty-Niners = 114 (6)
Seattle = 1+5+1+2+2+3+5 = 19/28 (1)
Seahawks = 1+5+1+8+1+5+2+1 = 24, 1+5+1+8+1+5+11+1 = 24/33/42 (6)
Seattle Seahawks = 43/61/70 (7)

NFC North
Detroit = 4+5+2+9+6+9+2 = 37 (1)
Lions = 3+9+6+5+1 = 24/33 (6)
Detroit Lions = 61/70 (7)
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+6 = 37 (1)
Bears = 2+5+1+9+1 = 18/27 (9)
Chicago Bears = 55/64 (1)
Green Bay = 7+9+5+5+5+2+1+7 = 41 (5)
Packers = 7+1+3+2+5+9+1 = 28/37, Packers = 7+1+3+11+5+9+1 = 37 (1)
Green Bay Packers = 69/78 (6)
Minnesota = 4+9+5+5+5+1+6+2+1 = 38 (11)
Vikings = 4+9+2+9+5+7+1 = 37/46, Vikings = 22+9+11+9+5+7+1 = 64 (1)
Minnesota Vikings = 75/84/93/102 (3)

NFC South
New Orleans = 5+5+5+6+9+3+5+1+5+1 = 45 (9)
Saints = 1+1+9+5+2+1 = 19/28 (1)
New Orleans Saints = 64/73 (1)
Carolina = 3+1+9+6+3+9+5+1 = 37 (1)
Panthers = 7+1+5+2+8+5+9+1 = 38/47 (11)
Carolina Panthers = 75/84 (3)
Atlanta = 1+2+3+1+5+2+1 = 15 (6)
Falcons = 6+1+3+3+6+5+1 = 25/34 (7)
Atlanta Falcons = 40/49 (4)
Tampa Bay = 2+1+4+7+1+2+1+7 = 25 (7)
Buccaneers = 2+3+3+3+1+5+5+5+9+1 = 37/46 (1)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers = 62/71 (8)

NFC East
Dallas = 4+1+3+3+1+1 = 13/22 (4)
Cowboys = 2+6+5+2+6+7+1 = 30/39 (3)
Dallas Cowboys = 13+30 = 43/61 (7)
New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39/48 (3)
Giants = 7+9+1+5+2+1 = 25 (7)
New York Giants = 64/73 (1)
Philadelphia = 7+8+9+3+1+4+5+3+7+8+9+1 = 65 (11)
Eagles = 5+1+7+3+5+1 = 22/31 (4)
Philadelphia Eagles = 87/96 (6)
Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58 (4)
Redskins = 9+5+4+1+2+9+5+1 = 36/45, Redskins = 9+5+4+1+11+9+5+1 = 45 (9)
Washington Redskins = 85/94/103 (4)

Summary:  The only "33" team is the Seattle Seahawks, located in the 42nd state, Washington.  The other two teams with significant numerology are both located in the "Keystone" State, Pennsylvania, and were both established in the year 1933, the first year after the NFL created two separate conferences.  This was based in large part due to the unprecedented success of the '32 season.  Remember, NFL equates to thirty-two.
  • Keystone = 2+5+7+1+2+6+5+5 = 33
  • Eagles = 22
  • Steelers = 31
  • 22 and 31 reduces to 4 in numerology
This past Super Bowl was the first played on the 33rd day of the year, February 2.  On that date, the Seattle Seahawks won their first Super Bowl.  To think, the only team with "33" numerology was the team to win on the only Super Bowl hosted on the 33rd day of the year.

In the following, we will decode the team names with the "Standard Method" to see what other numerology is exposed.

AFC West
Kansas City = 11+1+14+19+1+19+3+9+20+25 = 122
Chiefs = 3+8+9+5+6+19 = 50
Kansas City Chiefs = 172
Denver = 4+5+14+22+5+18 = 68
Broncos = 2+18+15+14+3+15+19 = 86
Denver Broncos = 154
Oakland = 15+1+11+1+14+4 = 46
Raiders = 18+1+9+4+5+18+19 = 74
Oakland Raiders = 130
San Diego = 19+1+14+4+9+5+7+15 = 74
Chargers = 3+8+1+9+7+5+9+1 = 3+8+1+18+7+5+18+19 = 79
San Diego Chargers = 153

AFC North
Baltimore = 2+1+12+20+9+13+15+18+5 = 95
Ravens = 18+1+22+5+14+19 = 79
Baltimore Ravens = 174
Cincinnati = 3+9+14+3+9+14+14+1+20+9 = 96
Bengals = 2+5+14+7+1+12+19 = 60
Cincinnati Bengals = 156
Cleveland = 3+12+5+22+5+12+1+14+4 = 78
Browns = 2+18+15+23+14+19 = 91
Cleveland Browns = 169
Pittsburgh = 7+9+20+20+19+2+21+18+7+8 = 131
Steelers = 19+20+5+5+12+5+18+19 = 103
Pittsburgh Steelers = 234

AFC South
Houston = 8+15+21+19+20+15+14 = 112
Texans = 20+5+24+1+14+19 = 83
Houston Texans = 195
Indianapolis = 9+14+4+9+1+14+1+16+15+12+9+19 = 123
Colts = 3+15+12+20+19 = 69
Indianapolis Colts = 192
Jacksonville = 10+1+3+11+19+15+14+22+9+12+12+5 = 133
Jaguars = 10+1+7+21+1+18+19 = 77
Jacksonville Jaguars = 210
Tennessee = 20+5+14+14+5+19+19+5+5 = 106
Titans = 20+9+20+1+14+19 = 83
Tennessee Titans = 189

AFC East
Buffalo = 2+21+6+6+1+12+15 = 63
Bills = 2+9+12+12+19 = 54
Buffalo Bills = 117
Miami = 13+9+1+13+9 = 45
Dolphins = 4+15+12+16+8+9+14+19 = 97
Miami Dolphins = 142
New England = 14+5+23+5+14+7+12+1+14+4 = 99
Patriots = 16+1+20+18+9+15+20+19 = 118
New England Patriots = 217
New York = 14+5+23+25+15+18+11 = 111 (42 and 69)
Jets = 10+5+20+19 = 54
New York Jets = 165

NFC West
Arizona = 1+18+9+26+15+14+1 = 84
Cardinals = 3+1+18+4+14+1+12+19 = 72
Arizona Cardinals = 156
Saint Louis = 19+1+9+14+20+12+15+21+9+19 = 139
Rams = 18+1+13+19 = 51
Saint Louis Rams = 190
San Francisco = 19+1+14+6+18+1+14+3+9+19+3+15 = 122 (34 and 88)
49ers = 4+9+5+18+19 = 55
San Francisco 49ers = 177
Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82
Seahawks = 19+5+1+8+1+23+11+19 = 87
Seattle Seahawks 169

NFC North
Detroit = 4+5+20+18+15+9+20 = 91
Lions = 12+9+15+14+19 = 69
Detroit Lions = 160
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46
Bears = 2+5+1+18+19 = 45
Chicago Bears = 91
Green Bay = 7+18+5+5+14+2+1+25 = 77
Packers = 16+1+3+11+5+18+19 = 73
Green Bay Packers = 150
Minnesota = 13+9+14+14+5+19+15+20+1 = 110
Vikings = 22+9+11+9+14+7+19 = 91
Minnesota Vikings = 201

NFC South
New Orleans = 14+5+23+15+18+12+5+1+14+19 = 126 (42 and 84)
Saints = 19+1+9+14+20+19 = 82
New Orleans Saints = 208
Carolina = 3+1+18+15+12+9+14+1 = 73
Panthers = 16+1+14+20+8+5+18+19 = 101
Carolina Panthers = 174
Atlanta = 1+20+12+1+14+20+1 = 69
Falcons = 6+1+12+3+15+14+19 = 70
Atlanta Falcons = 139
Tampa Bay = 20+1+13+16+1+2+1+25 = 79
Buccaneers = 2+21+3+3+1+14+5+5+18+19 = 91
Tampa Bay Buccaneers = 170

NFC East
Dallas = 4+1+12+12+1+19 = 49
Cowboys = 3+15+23+2+15+25+19 = 102
Dallas Cowboys = 151
New York = 14+5+23+25+15+18+11 = 111
Giants = 7+9+1+14+20+19 = 70
New York Giants = 181
Philadelphia = 16+8+9+12+1+4+5+12+16+8+9+1 = 101
Eagles = 5+1+7+12+5+19 = 49
Philadelphia Eagles = 160
Washington = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 130
Redskins = 18+5+4+19+11+9+14+19 = 99
Washington Redskins = 229

A few observations of many....

***When decoding with the Standard Method, the teams with the master numerology are Redskins 99, 49ers 55 and Jaguars 77.  In the case of the 49ers, they were the first team to win 5 Super Bowls, having a Super Bowl record of 5-0.  As for the Jaguars, they were the most successful expansion team in their first season in the history of sports.  With regards to the Redskins, they and the Indians have the most controversial team names in U.S. sports at this time.

It should be noted that the Houston Oilers became the Tennessee Titans.
  • Oilers = 6+9+3+5+9+1 = 33
  • Oilers = 15+9+12+5+18+19 = 78
With the departure of the Oilers, the Seahawks have remained the NFL's lone "33" team.  The only other teams with "33" affiliations are the Cleveland Browns and New England Patriots, because of where they are located.
  • Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33
  • Massachusetts = 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33
Let us close with this thought.  The NFL promotes itself as "America's Game".
  • America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
  • NFL = 14+6+12 = 32

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