Tuesday, July 8, 2014

33 | Sam Donaldson and the Media Military PsyOps

Sam Donaldson is a shining example of a Manchurian News Anchorman and has been on the air with ABC News since 1967.  He is best remembered for his work as a White House Correspondent from the years 1977-1989 and 1998-1999.  Sam Donaldson was born March 11, or 3/11/1934.
  • Sam = 19+1+13 = 33
  • 3/11 birthday
  • 3/11/1934 = 3+1+1+1+9+3+4 = 22
Sam Donaldson was born in Texas and raised in New Mexico, the 47th state, moving their two years before it earned its statehood.
  • New = 555
  • Mexico = 4+5+6+9+3+6 = 33
  • New = 14+5+23 = 42
  • Mexico = 13+5+24+9+3+15 = 69
  • New Mexico = 42+69 = 111
For his education, he attended the New Mexico Military Institute.  At the age of 17, he went on the radio for KEPO of El Paso, Texas, the same city he was born in.
  • KEPO = 11+5+16+15 = 47
If you read this blog, you might be aware that Rule 33-1 of the Army Field Manual pertains to the Psychological Operations program that is to be waged against the U.S. public for propaganda purposes.  For more information on this topic, I will link a documentary that discusses it at the bottom of this post.  But isn't it strange, Rule 33-1, is the PsyOps program?  Perhaps Sam Donaldson is a military agent, fulfilling this role, as a "news anchor"- perhaps many other anchors are as well, even Diane Sawyer, who Sam Donaldson has co-anchored with in his history on television.  If this were the case, it wouldn't surprise me.
  • Diane = 4+9+1+14+5 = 33
I think this media "truth" is even coded into films about the media such at Network, where the main character, the news anchor of UBS, is "Howard" Beale.
  • Howard = 8+6+5+1+9+4 = 33
In one of Howard Beale's most famous rants from the film, he mentions his marriage of "33 years".  If you've never seen that film, you should watch it ASAP, especially if you're into fakeology, because that movie foretells what was coming and has long since arrived.

Let us close with this thought.  Is New Mexico the perfect place to raise a "Military News Agent"?

  • New = 5+5+5 = 15
  • Mexico = 4+5+6+9+3+6 = 33
  • Notice how 555 is coded into 'news'
  • News = 555s
  • The Washington Monument is 555-feet tall
  • The Pentagon is 5-sided, 5-floors, with a 5-acre court
  • The Iraq War Began 555-days after 9/11/2001.

Also, the documentary on the military PsyOps waged against us, for the purpose of controlling our minds and the way we think, is a follows.


  1. My own paradigm shift was Peter Jennings. I don't care about his numbers. He lied to me. "The most trusted man in news" lied to me.

  2. Then, apparently, he died. Whoopdeedoo.

  3. Oh, I forgot about about Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley. and supermodel Christy, daughter of David. So trusted.


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