Friday, July 4, 2014

66 93 | Oskar Schindler and Schindler's List Hoax | All Part of World War II Propaganda Fakery | Steven Spielberg and Thelema

First of all, let me admit that I liked the film Schindler's list very much growing up, the movie based on the "real life person" Oskar Schindler.  I was ten years old when it was released, being born in 1983.  I liked it because it provoked an emotional response, and made me think more deeply about something.  In the film the "Holocaust" is presented as a very awful event- very likely highly exaggerated, with Jews often being killed in disgrace and with no regard from German soldiers.
  • Holocaust = 8+6+3+6+3+1+3+1+2 = 33
As a viewer, it made you wonder how something could get to be so terrible, or at least it did for me.  I always wondered how could people possibly care so little for others?  How does that happen?

Of course those questions were asked when the film came out, being a child born in 1983, in a "pre-9/11 world".  Since then I've seen how a culture can be taught to hate, such as how many Americans have been taught to hate Middle Eastern people and Muslims.  It is much the same as racist and bigoted views held within our own nation domestically, as a kid this was harder to see however because it was so "normal".

Anyhow, as for Oskar Schindler, what immediately stands out is the spelling of the name Oskar with a 'k' instead of a 'c'.
  • Oskar = 6+1+2+1+9 = 19
  • Schindler = 1+3+8+9+5+4+3+5+9 = 47
  • Oskar Schindler = 19+47 = 66
  • With K&S Exceptions
    • Oskar Schindler = 6+10+11+1+9+10+3+8+9+5+4+3+5+9 = 93
What do you know?  Master numerology, and very significant master numerology.  In the beginning of the United States of America, 66 was coded into many things, from the Declaration of Independence, to the first 13 Colonies, to the nation's first highway and much more.
  • Thirty-three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66
  • Freedom = 6+18+5+5+4+15+13 = 66
  • Happy = 8+1+16+16+25 = 66
  • Coptic = 3+15+16+20+9+3 = 66
His father was Johann "Hans" Schindler.
  • Johann = 1+6+8+1+5+5 = 26
  • Hans = 8+1+5+1 = 15
  • Schindler = 1+3+8+9+5+4+3+5+9 = 47
  • Johann Hans Schindler = 26+15+47 = 88
    • Hans = 8+1+14+19 = 42
With regards to Coptic, it is the old world calendar, where September 11 is currently NEW YEARS DAY.  On September 11, 2001, it was the New Year of the new century according to the Coptic Calendar, which some cultures still go by.  Did you ever know that?  Probably not, and isn't it interesting that you don't?  It might reminds you of how you also never knew how words could be coded into numbers- but it is so, and it is very deliberate.

Oskar Schindler was born April 28, 1908.  He died in the year 1974, in the most curious month of all, the only month with "33" numerology- October.  The date was October 9, 1974, emphasis on the year '74.
  • 10/9/1974 = 1+0+9+1+9+7+4 = 31
  • 10/9/74 = 10+9+74 = 93
  • Schindler's List was released in '93
  • Spielberg = 19+16+9+5+12+2+5+18+7 = 93
  • 31 is the foundational degree of Scottish Rite Masonry
Do you know how old Oskar Schindler was when he died.  He was 66 years old.  Do you think Oskar Schindler died of natural causes?

The film Schindler's List was released in 1993, emphasis on '93, the year of the WTC Bombing, the Flight of 33 Passengers on 9/11 that crashed in the Keystone State.  The date of the release was December 15, 1993. 
  • 12/15/1993 = 1+2+1+5+1+9+9+3 = 31
If you look carefully at the metascore on IMDB, it has a rating of 93/100.  Ha!  Now that I'm aware of these numbers, I notice a lot of scores on IMDB are awfully suspicious, same with tweets and shares on news articles, etc.  It is amazing how often these same numbers "pop up".  The film runs "3 hours and 15 minutes".  If you look at that time on the clock, 3:15, both hands are on the "3".

The film is directed by Steven Spielberg.
  • Spielberg = 19+16+9+5+12+2+5+18+7 = 93
  • The movie was released in '93
  • Ultimate, preplanned propaganda piece?
  • Spielberg = 1+7+9+5+3+2+5+9+7 = 48
  • Illuminati = 9+3+3+3+4+9+5+1+2+9 = 48
  • Evil = 5+22+9+12 = 48
  • The religion 'Thelema', exposed by British elite Aleister Crowley, is centered around the number 93, as well as other important occult numerology.
To me, it is interesting that they didn't go with the spelling of 'Stephen', but maybe that is become Steven Spielberg is the "master".
  • Master = 4+1+1+2+5+9 = 22
  • Steven = 1+2+5+4+5+5 = 22
  • Stephen =1+2+5+7+8+5+5 = 33
  • 22 is the "master" number in numerology
  • 33 is the master teacher number
  • Teacher = 2+5+1+3+8+5+9 = 33

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